
Isn't wanting Alaska to be it's own country and not part of the United States, a little Un-American?

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ABC News confirmed that Palin was a member of AIP, the Alaskan Independence Party, through out the 90's. The AIP pushed for a vote on Alaska's succession from the US. Creating the country of Alaska is a founding belief in the AIP's charter. Palin and her husband were members and she even gave the keynote speech at an AIP convention. Shouldn't someone who is running for the second highest office in the United States have always believed in putting America first, instead of creating her own country?




  1. TO everyone to stop these insane questions on here We all need to stop answering their Stupid hateful nasty questions. This has got to stop. Its really that simple just do not answer questions you know that are hateful or towards Mc Cain /Palin or Obama / Biden. If you agree pass it along. This site is turning into the daily kos

  2. What ever Palin thinks or what ever organization she was (or is) involved in really is not relevant.

    The RNC - RP placed her in the VP spot for purely for the purpose of trying to trump the DNC with a "female" running mate.

    It is a outright put down to both R and D to assume we don't see the reason she was chosen

    it is NOT about her "politics", her record, her "content"



    about the


    They think that if they "package" another cheap R "product" in the right package that we will "buy" it.

    It is just more of the same ....the RP doesn't seem to "get" and that is that it isn't about the color of your skin ( or if your male or female)

    It's the CONTENT of your character.

    We don't need an "IMAGE", we don't need puppet...we need a LEADER.

    Did they Pick the Best republican Leader to act as VP...NO they didn't

    Why ?

    Because ,It doesn't matter who they place in the slot of President or VP, they will be simply another R doing the bidding of Big Business.

    Like MLK said,

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."


    * Do you really think that "Bush" was the best they had to offer in terms of a leader? The man can hardly form a coherent sentence..much less run a country.

    He was the most manipulable , behind the scenes.

    Think about it

  3. give it to canada

  4. The AIP- One of the major points of its platform is restoring Alaska to an independent territory, and always has been.

    I got that off of their website, TODAY.

  5. What are you people 12 in here.  Give thinking users a break--wil ya?

  6. yeah but they were owned by Russia before this. they have tons of oil....who cares. What's considered American and Unamerican these days???

  7. Yes and so were 23 OTHER States who met about 8 months ago, to discuss secession from the Government.  It was a valid and legitimate discussion group. Don't know where your from but maybe YOUR State was there too.

        By the way................a California delegate was there as I remember.

  8. That ought to get her a lot of Democratic votes!

  9. McCain/Palin 08 .  yeahhhh baby

  10. It is very un-American!  And to those who say it's not relevant, I say it's totally relevant as her patriotism and character is very important to anybody who leads the American people.

  11. Do you know why? Alaska wants to drill for oil in their state, which they know is there, to provide thousands of jobs and resources for their state. They aren't allowed to because the stupid and ignorant congress says they can't. I don't think it's any of their business. This is a republic made up of independent states and they should have power.  

  12. well, sometimes I think that if my country pay US$ 9 million to America, could Alaska become a part of my country?

    because I knew that US speat US$9 million to got Alaska from USSR.

  13. Indeed. Republicans have lined up to accuse Obama of being anti-American (apparently thier evidence is that like many people he doesn't pay attention in church) but to my knowledge he never belonged to a political movement who's primary purpose was to break apart the Union.

    One Rascal - it makes no difference whether someone's state was at a convention - only whether that individual joined a political movement that is trying to pull apart the USA.

  14. McCain hurt his campaign by picking that dummy as his running mate. It might push more people to vote for Obama....I am not voting...I dont like either choice!

  15. Regardless of where you sit, the Neocons jumped all over Obama about not wearing a flag pin on his lapel, which wasn't right at all. If he had given a keynote speech at a secession convention, how big of a story would that have been? ANY states that have been considering this, if they have candidates running for public office, this is a serious statement. How can anyone keep a straight face while saying that this woman is great for the U.S., even though she doesn't want to be a part of the U.S., yet Obama is a traitor because he won't wear a flag pin.

    I just hope this catches fire and spills over into "legitimate" media circles, as well.  

  16. Kind of like Obama being sworn into Congress on the Quran,  

  17. Yes an they call obama anti american bunch of hypocrites

  18. We're talking about a state that is not part of the continental U.S. the only reason it became a state is because of the gold finds and the oil there..just like Hawaii for it's military outposts...if it had not been for those reasons..Alaska may have been a canadian province or even russian territory still.

  19. That will never happen. Alaska has too much to offer. The U.S. would be more likely to sell Michigan to Canada than give up Alaska. Anybody from Michigan knows exactly what I'm talking about.

  20. I think Texas is the only state with legal authority to secede from the United States of America. But you make a convincing point, why would she want to secede from the Union if she were a patriot? It's not going to change my McCain vote, but it's a good point. Good question.

  21. It just makes it easy for Canada to take over.

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