
Isn't / wasn't the Medhi suppose to get rid of the world from injustice

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How come muslims are in a worst situation then they were before Mr. Qadiyani came to the scene?




  1. If you knew the situation of Islam at that time you would think otherwise. Not only were Muslims powerless, pennyless, and helpless, but millions upon millions were converting to Christianity.

    Those Ahmadi Muslims who have accepted Hazrat Ahmad (as) are not suffering as the rest of the Muslim world is suffering.  We are not labled terrorists and are not discriminated against or molested.  Our Khalifa is recogonized as a Champion of Peace the world over.  What other Muslim leader is recognized as teaching True Islam worldwide?

    We cannot force anyone to accept Imam Mahdi.  No one can force anyone.  Those Muslims who have accepted him, are being blessed.  Those who choose not to, are choosing not to.

    Justice and Blessings will come to those who seek it out.  No one will be magically converted to recogcnize Imam Mahdi and Messih.  It has never happeend that way before, it will not happen now.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. None of the signs of Esa (as) were fulfilled by Mirza Qadyani.

    He interpreted Ever thing in the favor of his False claim.

    He even Said Damishq is Qadyan

  3. According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), Mehdi, the divinely guided Muslim leader and Messiah are two different personalities. However, Ghulam Ahmad claims to be the Mehdi and the Promised Messiah.

    There are Ahadith which teach the Muslims that Jesus is the Promised Messiah who will end Christianity and Judaism in the world, kill Dajjal, the great Deceiver, rule according to the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) , establish one world government, bring peace and justice before his death.

    Ghulam Ahmad, claimed to be the Mehdi and the Promised Messiah yet died without fulfilling any of the prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

  4. and he didn't bring any unity to the muslim ummah!!

    where all the signs of Qyamath?

    anyway!! Medhi and ISa(as) are two different people!!

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