How at this exact moment as you read this, something somewhere is happening to someone. Beyond the room your in right now someone is fighting for his/her life, someone just got fired and is wondering how his/her family will take it, someone is cheating on his/her spouse, someone is drinking and driving and a deadly collision is about to happen, a store is being robbed, a teenage girl has just discovered she's pregnant, a man is being carjacked, a woman is being raped, an addicted is taking drugs, a gang-member just got shot, someone is being murdered, a couple are making passionate love, a small child is sleeping comfortably and securely in bed, a teacher is having an affair with a student, a man just got off a 14 hour shift and is relaxing in a bar smoking a cigarette, a youngster is having fun at a nightclub, someone just committed suicide.
All this is happening right now as you sit here reading this on Yahoo Answers! Don't you think it's weired?
Do you think I'm crazy? lol