
Isnt a bmw z4 the perfect car for a 16 year old i mean kmon!?

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ok im a good driver and im very very very mature i mean i am the best! i swear lol anyway my dad is like no im not getting u the z4 cuz im "inexperienced" dude i've been driving for 6 months now i have a permit and im getting my license soon i deserve this car who agrees and who disagrees




  1. your fcuking dumb.

  2. HAHA!

    wow dude. first of maybe you should get a job and buy yourself the car you want. Also 6 months....experienced? I think not. Im 20 and I drive almost 2,000 MILES EVERY WEEK! with a 40 Foot Bus as a part time job. I am still inexperience. I have never been in a wreck and thats with only 4 years of driving but im still young and inexperience.

  3. 6 months is not what you call a experienced driver, drive for 2 years then i will say your experienced, the insurance is gonna be real high for you since your a teen plus ya i would also suggest starting off with a older car then work your way up to the z4


    How about giving that expensive car when she turns 21 AND has a good driving record. My reasoning behind this statement are the following:

    From the first link:

    # In the U.S. during 2004, 4,767 teens ages 16 to 19 died of injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes. During 2005, nearly 400,000 motor vehicle occupants in this age group sustained nonfatal injuries severe enough to require treatment in an emergency department (CDC 2006).

    # The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among 16- to 19-year-olds than among any other age group. In fact, per mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely than older drivers to crash (IIHS 2006).

    # In 2005, teenagers accounted for 10 percent of the U.S. population and 12 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths (IIHS 2006).

    # The presence of teen passengers increases the crash risk of unsupervised teen drivers; the risk increases with the number of teen passengers (Chen 2000).

    From the second link:

    While American teenagers know how to handle a car well enough to get a license, they tend to lack the maturity and judgment needed to drive safely in real-world conditions, according to Smith.

    He told parents the first thing they should do is set a good example for their teenage children. If a parent runs stop signs, doesn't use turn signals and eats and drinks while driving, then a teen is likely to do so, too.

    Parents should restrict how much driving newly licensed teens do until they have gained more experience, Smith said. Teens need to focus their attention on the road and avoid distractions, particularly cell phones.

    Furthermore, every teen passenger in a car increases the likelihood a teen driver will get into an accident. The speaker recommended parents limit passengers for the first six to nine months their child is driving.

    From the third link:

    How many teen related auto accidents occur each year?

    Auto accidents are the number one killer of teens. Almost 6,000 teens die every year in auto accidents. Teens account for 14% of all motor vehicle accident deaths. 5,288 teens died in motor vehicle accidents in 2005 in the U.S. Crashes are the leading cause of death among teens, accounting for more than one-third of all deaths of 16 to 18 year-olds.

    What are the primary factors for teen auto accidents?

    Parents are often relieved when their teen starts driving because they don't have to chauffeur them around anymore. The two primary factors that cause teen auto accidents are immaturity and inexperience. Teens are likely to engage in risky behavior, such as: speeding, not wearing a seat belt, passengers in the vehicle, night driving (9pm - 6am), alcohol, following other vehicles too close, passing inappropriately, & driver error. Young drivers tend to overestimate their own physical and driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road.

    What is the age that teens are at the highest risk for auto accidents?

    Sixteen year-olds have higher crash rates than drivers of any other age, including older teenagers. However, older teens are still high-risk drivers.

    Is there a risk with my teen having passengers in the vehicle?

    The presence of passengers can increase the risk by distractions and peer pressure to take risks. Teens often make poor decisions and deliberately seek thrills like speeding with passengers in the vehicle.

    PS...I realize that "she has had her heart set on this car since she was 13" Do you honestly think that a 16 year old has the necessary skills that driving any car??? Will she have a job to cover the cost necessary to insure such a costly car??? -or- will you have to cover the cost...(as well as the cost of the car??)

    I am a divorced parent and my daughter sometimes begs relentlessly for things that are far beyond my budget. I have had to tell several times that we can't afford it. Now, she understands...

    Oh, by the way, since her friend died in the car accident, she has shown NO need to get her driver's license at all. She is too scared to drive. She is my only child as well...and I want to keep it this way!

  5. i think that's sort of tough because even if your a really responsible driver, others aren't.  You can't control other people on the road. =/  I'm about your age too so I know how it feels to want a really sweet ride, but you have to consider why your dad isn't letting you have this car.

    btw you have great taste in cars!

  6. I say that your dad should def get you the bmw.

    My daddy got me mine.

    I'm pretty sure its the same one as that.

    I don't see why not.  I mean dads are supposed to spoil us right??

  7. get a used beater

  8. I saw a graph of accident rate (verse age).  It turns out people at age 16 to 24 has the same accident rate as people over 80 (3x higher than the average population).

    So if you think that 6 months is experience, that just show how little experience you have.


    Listen to papa.  He knows.

    Good Luck...

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