
Isnt construction noise the most ANNOYING thing ever?

by  |  earlier

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the sound of people hammering makes me want to kill

bang bang bang, then silence.... then suddenly BANG BANG. its like you constantly have to be on guard or else it'll take you by surprise. and I am sick of it, I am in my home right now, why do I have to put up with this.

and as if things arent bad enough there are two dogs barkin their heads off next door




  1. No........whining is.

  2. It drives me crazy, when new neighbors move in and all i heard for 3weeks was them grinding tile, i thought i was going to nut up. it started at 9am and till 5pm.  Now is still can not like them cuz of the noise.  And that what i wanted to know 'why do i have to listen to this'.  I called code enforcement.  still do not know if it was code or they were done , but finally it stopped.

  3. To me its anything loud and uncalled for like kids screaming for no reason or if I am trying to sleep and somebody is blaring  music.

  4. Move to the country.  It is just birds and crickets and the like.

  5. That's pretty annoying yes! I'd go out just to avoid to it. To me it is second only to the sound of a lawn mower being run at 8am on a Saturday morning. I swear that rusty grinding roaring sound could wake the dead!

  6. I find snoring to be more annoying. I can't get to sleep with the 'buzz saw' going off in the room with me.

  7. O jeez !

  8. Every morning I wake up to the sound of the builders across the street working on the new house. I get up and get in the shower, then get out of the house on a jog to sumwhere quiet.

  9. You know what, my neighbours to the right have moved out so the builders are in there getting the house ready for new tenants. I don't know whats worse. The constant hammering, and drilling, or every time i pass them on the way out of my house the comments i get.

    "ain't you got some big t**s"

    "look at that a**"

    and the newest one

    "I'd take a b*** j*b off you any day"


  10. I'm right there with you!  My apartment complex is renovating and the noise is soooo annoying!  The worst part is there's nothing I can do about it and it goes on all the time.  They start  in the morning and are even on the roof.  I can't even drown the noise out with the tv.

  11. no, screaming kids in stores or restaurants are more annoying. and the idiot cell phone users out there.

  12. You have my deepest sympathy and I mean that because I have been in the same situation (minus the barking dogs).  I had worked for a large company that was doing major renovations & how they expected their employees to work in the midst of all this chaos was beyond me.  My desk was practically in the middle of it, walls were coming down and going up all around me, and both my desk and myself were covered with dust and other debris.  I was surrounded by workers, it was impossible to concentrate and I thought the noise woud drive me insane.  Especially those nail guns they use (if that's the proper name for the tool I'm talking about) that sound like a loud gun shot.  Every time one went off, I thought I had a heart attack - those darn things gave my heart such a jolt, it actually did hurt.  On top of that, I have allergies and all of the dust and paint fumes were making me very sick.  One day, I was so sick and had such a terrible headache that my boss sent me home - but when I got home, as sick as a dog, my heading pounding so hard I thought it would explode, I found that my apartment building was surrounded by fire trucks and police cars.  Apparently there had been a bomb scare!  I couldn't believe my luck, I was so sick, my head was throbbing so badly and I couldn't even find a space to park my car.  I had no place to go, everyone I knew was working or away, so I ended up going back to work and staying in the lunch room, which was the only room not affected by the construction going on in our office.  They finally finished the construction in my office (around 3 months later) and my sanity returned - or most of it did.

    If I were you I would go some place, get away from it all and come back later when the workers are gone.  It is a huge pain, I know, but sometimes there is just stuff we have no control over that happens and all we can do is grit our teeth and wait for it to end!

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