
Isnt funny how everyone ignores the fact that no one was suffering from the Economy until the dems took over?

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I mean Bush has been president for 8 years, the Economy started going down RIGHT when the democrats took over, you can look it up yourself and see the dates coincide! Why does everyone ignore this? and notice the answers I get will not be real answers, just "your ignorant" answers most likely.




  1. If you think the economy didn't take a dive until 2 years ago....then you're an idiot.

  2. that's their ball game  

  3. You need to do your research honey. Britain, the EU and America are all nosediving right now. It has absolutly nothing to do with the democrats.  

  4. yeah! and you popped out 30 seconds after your dad shot his wad. Get real, the economy started sliding back in 2001. Democrats don't control anything....yet.

  5. Yes Angel, what ever you say Angel.  roflmao @ u

  6. Becuase that would mean that they would have to admint they wer ewrong. they all still completely avoided my Pelosi question. even posted it multiple times, with links.

    Even when their hand is caught in the cookie jar, the run or blather rather then face facts

  7. I didn't realize that an economy could take a nose dive like that??? Seriously ... I'm sure this little war experiment that Bush has going on has nothing to do with our sour economy, right?

  8. What the heck are you talking about?  Clinton left a surplus of billions and Bush flushed it away and we are presently trillions in debt.  Mostly to China.

  9. Oh, my! I guess you have forgotten about the crash and burn that began after Dubya took office in 2000, and lasted through 2003.

    That was caused by the crash of internet and high tech investment. It was caused by failed Wall Street investment policy.

    Today's failing economy is caused by a crash of the housing market. The crash was set up by Bush policies and fostered by the Fed. Today's crash is a result of failed republican policy.

    Bush started his first term with a surplus and will end his reign with record deficits. So, given that republicans have spent all that Federal tax money, do you believe it was worth it? Why?

  10. that's right, pelousy and crew are a bunch of losers

  11. Because democrats live in a state of delusion only known to serious drug abusers.

  12. Realistically, it's a combination of not regulating the mortgage industry and the dems failure to give us a decent energy policy for the 2 years they've been in offfice.

    Also, Pelosi promised to end ear marks, however even earmarks are up during the 2 years the dems have been in office.  

  13. so.. your saying that the second they got a One (1) vote majority in the house that made the economy go down ?

    how could that be ?

    especially when bush can and does veto everything the Republicans don''t Also support ?

  14. The economy doesn't just tank over night, it takes time, just as it will take time to fix. I'm not defending either party, but you can't blame a new congress for a recession, it is a result of month, sometimes years, of poor choices, and poor policies, that causes it.

    A business doesn't go under over night, they struggle for as long as they can, until they can no longer stay open.

  15. Yes your'e right!  And the gas prices started going down the DAY AFTER Bush said we could drill here.  Dems just decided to go on vacation though!

  16. So true.  

  17. The economy took a nose dive in 2004 and has gotten worse every year since. Do your homework. Dems have been in charge for a year and 1/2. and they don't have enough votes to override republicans.

  18. If you ever go to college, which I am sure you wont - but if you do you will study economics. When you study them, you will learn that congressional policies DO effect economic output but NOT QUICKLY. You will also learn that budget's passed by congress do not even go into effect for months.

    What has caused the economy to collapse, do you know?

    What has caused the value of the dollar to depriciate, do you know?

    Do you know how that effects gas prices?

    Do you know what stagflation actually is?

    LOL. I am sure you know almost as much as the average 2nd grader, but the above average second grader knows more.

  19. Hmmm so how did the Democratically controlled congress instantly cause the economic downturn, as soon as they took office, before they had a chance to pass any legislation.

    Isn't it more likely we had an economic bubble that started to pop right when they came around?

    Besides you can't point to one single piece of legislation passed by the Democratically controlled congress that has caused this mess, not one.

  20. Yes, the economy was going into the flusher even when President Clinton's term was winding down.  People blame Bush for it because the effects took hold during his terms along with bad timing of terrorist attacks and other nut jobs who want us dead.  

  21. Republican obstructionists block the democrats and Bush is President. It's a Republican economy.  

  22. You are out of your mind! OPEN YOUR EYES! Bush ran this great country into the ground!

  23. Nice try dear. The current economic situation has been brewing for a while. The Democrats only took control of the House and Senate about 20 months ago. And they haven't really been able to do much because they don't have enough votes to over-ride a presidential veto.

    The mortgage crisis, high gas prices, high food prices, out of control interest. Those have been issues for longer than 20 months. And even if you were correct that they had only happened in the last 20 months, you would be dead wrong in blaming Congress.  

  24. Really. That's interesting since they have been in office for not even two years. I think you are kidding yourself. The economy was bad way before congress, why do you think they were elected.

    Bush's policies are what has led to this economy. Furthermore, free trade policies that have proven to be a huge mistake and have driven cities all over the country like Cleveland, Flint, Dayton, and Detroit onto the endangered species list and that benefit only China are being promoted  by the Republican candidate still today.

    The Democratic congress, that the Republicans have made to look inactive, have tried to do quite a bit since they took office, and your oil-loving president Bush has vetoed everything.

    People like you, who have no idea about economics, are the ignorant ones. Why don't you go shop at Walmart and help China some more.

  25. Yeah lots of Demo Libs on here so watch for your question to be twisted so it will fit their answer! Just like they do about reading,they can read what you suggested about the economy but they will twist it to conform with their answers~ It never fails,as though it is their obligation to do so! Good Question,innorant answers to follow!

  26. Thank You!  

  27. show us links to your fairy tale data, princess.

  28. I think you're WRONG.  The Dems have only been in power for a year.  Bush has had 8 years to s***w EVERYTHING up...the Economy, Our LACK of Allies, Useless War......Nice try.  

  29. Not exactly dear.

  30. How interesting.  Bush has nixed about 70% of every bill they have tried to pass.  And the senate only has 51% control of the senate.  

    And the economy bombed when the surge into Iraq failed.  The fact that we are in debt for TRILLIONS of dollars to China doesn't matter to you at all.  

    But you are probably relying on blind faith to get you through this turmoil.

  31. The economy has been falsely reported since Bush took office.  It was built mostly on the housing bubble which was due to burst because of the ballooning fraudulant loans.  Deregulation led to that collapse.  Democrats seldom deregulate anything.  They should have taken action to stop the collapse before it happened because they were warned even when the Republicans still had the majority.

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