
Isnt homeschooling and hybrid classes bad for kids?

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The govt still does this cause it makes money out of ppl who have no transport to school. People who are in need are affected but they try to loot as much as they can from the lowest of classes.




  1. Wow, you should google homeschooling and find out what it means before posting a question like this.  Homeschooling has absolutely nothing to do with the government, LACK OF TRANSPORTATION, or LACK OF MONEY.

    I'm friends with a family who's homeschooled since kindergarten (she's now in 10th grade) and let me assure you that the ANESTHESIOLOGIST father is pulling in plenty of cash lol.

    We also homeschool. Between the cars we have and the school bus that passes here everyday, I'm quite sure our children could get to either public or private school if we wished lol.

    As someone else said, we pay property taxes on the 50 acres we have, so we're also making a contribution to the public school.  We attend public school functions that my neice is in and pay entry fees etc, to help raise funds for her school.  My box tops for education are also given to her for her public school and I collect them religiously lol.

  2. Most of the time the government does not decide if the children should be homeschooled the parents do.

  3. Are you asking if homeschooling is bad for the children, the government or the poor?

    The answer to all three questions would be, no.

    The government does not homeschool and homeschool in no way loots the poor.

    Homeschooling is a personal choice that may be perfect for one family and not for another. Homeschoolers still pay the same taxes as every other citizen. Meanwhile homeschoolers receive no funding from the government.

    Transportation issues having nothing to do with homeschooling. I live down the street from a public school and choose to homeschool. My choice does not prevent others from being bussed to school. What country are you from? You write as though English is your second language. Here in the US, students who live in rural areas are bussed to their respective schools. No one is prevented from attending a public school based on income. Although income and location may affect the schools you have to choose from. How exactly do you think homeschooling negatively impacts the poor?

  4. I'm not sure what you're asking?  The government has very little to do with homeschooling, and if they had their way, there would be much less homeschooling.  (Just take a look at the recent ruling from CA.)

    Homeschooling is when the parents take responsibility for their own childrens' educations and decide to be in charge of providing it.  This doesn't mean that they teach it all themselves, but that they find the resources for their children.

    The government makes absolutely no money off of us homeschooling, and we live within walking distance of three schools that my son could attend.  There are thousands of homeschooling families in my city in the same situation - the schools are available, they just (for whatever reason) choose not to utilize them.

    Homeschooling is not for everyone, but it is wonderful for the millions of kids who are homeschooled today.  I'm not sure what you mean by "hybrid" classes, though?

  5. It is not the job of individual parents to force their kids into school so that transport can be provided for others.

    We homeschool AND we pay property taxes.  We support our local public schools in any way possible.

    The government provides us absolutely no support.  Not that we want any.  What we want from the government are the freedoms guaranteed us by the constitution.

  6. Are you asking about homeschoolers who take some classes at school?

    If you are... I don't believe it's bad for the kids, per se.  Our family doesn't participate in classes at school because, in my eyes, it takes away some of the benefits of homeschooling.  I also happen to think it undermines homeschool law.

    If you are talking about homeschooling and homeschoolers who take classes at school or do school at home through a charter school, I'd have to say I don't think any of those things are bad.

    The statistics speak for themselves.  Homeschooling is growing by up to 15% per year.  There is a reason for that and it's because it's good for families and children.

    You're posting in the wrong place, if you're trying to get someone to say that homeschooling is bad.


  7. hey now!!!! i'm homeschooled!!! and it definitely is not bad for me...i love it! so watch what you say before you say it boy!!

  8. Home schooling isn't bad at all. I know history teachers that cannot tell you about Dr. Charles Drew, General George Crook's Starvation March, or who Quanah Parker was. But my kids know. Because we taught it to them. We have taught our kids aspects of history that public school's do not teach. We also teach our kids hard core realities about life that public schools find too sensitive to teach.

    There's no teachers molesting here, or kidnapping students, or school shootings, or bullying. But there is in public schools. So tell me again, what makes you think home schooling is bad?

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