
Isnt it a double edged sword for a man who has to debate a woman?

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Isnt it a double edged sword for a man who has to debate a woman?




  1. Yes it is. If he is too hard on her then he is sexist or a bully and if he is too soft then he is bending over backwards to make her feel good or because she is cute.  

  2.   Yes, because she is twice as smart.

  3. Your question makes no sense.  In the case of this Presidential race, the top candidate was Hillary Clinton.  No one could beat her in the debates.  Obama is a poor debater as is McCain.  

    One's gender is not the issue.  It's all about who can think fast on their feet and be smart.  

  4. He has to tread carefully because he doesn't want to come off as a bully to women. However, all Obama has to do is compare her to Biden's experience. She will have NOTHING to fire back with. All he has to do is to show that she is NO HILLARY!!!!

    If Biden debates her then he can be a little more forceful. He has decades of experience debating with other members of the senate, so I look forward to the VP debates!!  

    They both just need to show America how disasterous it would be with another four years of Bush/McCain.

  5. Maybe but if Palin wants to run w/the big boys she better be prepared.

    And I don't want to hear a single person after say oh he was too hard on her.

  6. if i was a woman id use my v****a for politcal gain thats for sure you kinda wonder these things

  7. What's wrong with a double edged sword?  You can kill a lot quicker with a thrust than a slash.

  8. yes, men cant win an argument with a woman, cos men have the need to make sense

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