
Isnt it a sin to be racist?

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i heard someone say that it doesnt matter if Obama does get elected for President....because if he does...then he will be assassinated!

i racist is that!

This is the US of A......everyone lives here!

If the man qualified to do the job is black...then so be it!

What is wrong with people!!!?




  1. That's probably why it's more probable. There are still many incredibly racist people in our country that think God forbid someone who isn't a WASP is elected President. It would be terrible, but I wouldn't put it past a very sick person to make an attempt just based on his race.  

  2. he wouldn't get assassinated. he would be too well protected

  3. It's the way of the world.  Some people are just narrow minded and ignorant.

  4. that's not racist

    i'm not racist but i believe it'll happen b/c there are ppl that are that racist

  5. You are right.  Actually, the closer he looks like he is winning, there is always a crazy person out there.  No one's life is safe, especially the more public exposure.  It will be a very very sad day for the world if that should ever happen.  

  6. What is wrong with people is that people often refuse to give up false presumptions that they've been basing their whole lives on.

  7. Its racist for people to assume that just because he is black a white person would assassinate him.

    But its ok to be racist twd white people now I guess

    (and I am only half white before I get called a racist)

    If I assumed that Obama might also be associated with gangs because he is black, is that stereotype ok?  Or can we only stereotype the white people as possible black assassins?

    geesh people

    Its 2008

    Was anyone worried about how Condeleeza Rice might be killed or Colin Powell?  No, why not?  Because they are conservatives and those white inbred hicks will only kill a liberal black person?



    It is making the assumption that a white person would assassinate a black person before allowing them to take office.  Its a very very racist assumption being made against white people and I am sick of the double standards and hypocrisy of racism in the US.

  8. To answer your first question, no. It is not a sin to be racist.

    For your second question, unfortunately, a lot of people do not equate to your ideals of what a 'correct' person is.

  9. Yes, it's a sin to be a racist.  

  10. They may not be saying that they would appreciate it. I have made a similar remark just because I know how this country is. There are militants with guns waiting everywhere. The first black president is a walking target, just like the first black student to go to Ole Miss back in the day. Hatred has not died. Also, Obama could face another danger if the Muslim extremists decide that he is a turn coat. They don't look kindly upon that, you know. He could very well follow in the long tradition of trailblazers who died at the hands of who they thought were their own kind.

    Oh, and to answer the question, yes, it is a sin.

  11. well, that is an issue he might be worried about because of the ignorance this country can not let go of.

    sadly, racism is still alive and well in this country but I'm more than sure he will be alright.  

  12. I don't know whether racism is a sin and God will punish for such feelings, but I can say, racism divide the people and creat non- violance  which is the act of animals and not of human being.

  13. Why assassinate him and make him a bigger symbol , if you hate him? MLK was more famous dead than alive.

  14. Some people say that because they remember MARTIN LUTHER KING JR!

  15. Is it a sin to dislike something?

    Tolerance=! Acceptance

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