
Isnt it about time aliens showed thereselves on earth?

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why do aliens come all the way here just to look at the earth why dont they come down and show thereselves its not like humans are going to shoot them is it. we are a freindly speices besides

we could even offer them tea and biscuits.




  1. If they're smart, they'll stay away.

    We'll probably just end up starting an inter-galactal war with them, as if we don't have enough problems as it is.


  2. if you were going to make the trip of all of those light years you would not hold back, however if they were advanced enough to make the trip i think we could be in trouble.

    It would sort out all of the religious mess the world is in though.

    Personally, i can't wait for it to happen because worrying about your bills would be the last of your worries

  3. how do you know they already haven't?

  4. I'm not at all sure there are aliens other than those pouring across our southern border.  If there are extra-terrestrial aliens who have the ability to travel so freely in our solar system or even beyond, why would they want to get involved with the likes of us?  We must seem very backward to them like a pack of roaming dogs one doesn't want to get involved with but keeps a wary eye on anyway simply because they have the potential to be dangerous.

  5. i feel the opposite of you i don't ever want to meet any! i think they're creepy!

  6. Well that's presuming aliens do actually exist and visit us.

    But if they do visit us they are pro bally waiting for a time where we are sufficiently advanced enough (technologically and mentally) before they make contact.

    They will not want to disturb a growing civilisation as if we got our hands on super advanced technology we would pro bally destroy ourselves with it or declare war against each other and use it for military reasons.

    Also we may not mentally be ready to accept the existence of aliens, and their presence would cause world wide panic and fear and they realise this.

    Or perhaps the aliens come and look at us and think better or contacting us, cause realistically we don't look very civilised do we, what with all the wars and country rivalries maybe they are waiting for us to calm down first.

  7. Tehee. If I saw an alien. I would deffinently not hurt it. They are humans from other planets.

  8. I bet we would end up shooting them or starting a war with them to steal there oil and land.

  9. actualy wed probably catch them

    tie them to a table and cut them open to see what they are like

    if anything the reason tey dont ome is uz they are scared

  10. Thats because aliens don't exist. But God DOES have spaceships and his angels come to earth to check up on things on a regular basis. Nobody can capture them on film unless they WANT to be caught because they are way more INTELLIGENT than any human being is :)

  11. Oh my dear they are here already, they sit in the houses of parliment regularly and makes strange noises, sound a little like sheep.

    Oh do be careful they are everywhere.!!!!

  12. I thought the humans where the aliens

  13. I wouldn't be so sure about the shooting bit, but the tea and biscuits should be a sound alternative.

  14. Although it is a certainty that technologically advanced alien races really do exist in our own Galaxy there is as yet no evidence that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, so even if they were aware of us they could not reach us.

    If however FTL travel is possible and they have achieved it, they would not necessarily present themselves to us openly.

    I sometimes wonder if in all the millions of false sightings and hoaxes (there are NO genuine sightings) there might actually be a few real aliens using those false reports as camouflage.

    It would be a very clever use of psychology to get us used to the idea of aliens without actually encountering them for real.

  15. According to many ancient religions...they already have.  UFO enthusiasts attribute evloutionary leaps from  prehistoric cavemen to the development of ancient civilizations(Mayan, Egytptian, Roman, etc...) to be the result of alien influence.

  16. Aliens don't exist

  17. What are you talking about. There are here now. You might not want to shoot them, but a lot of people would. Our government would be the first in line. they just want to study them, Find out what kind of a threat they are, even though they may not be a threat. If we as the human race don't like people of a different color. Then how do you think we will act to something from another planet. And that is the sad thing about us.

  18. Can I ask what planet you are from?

    _ points to your question and  reasoning

    1. How do you know that aliens actually enter our solar system

    2. The universe is that vast, that the edge of solar system, hasnt even been reached yet.

    3. It is 300million miles to Mars alone so far do you think it is to the next solar system? It would take many years to reach us couple of hundred perhaps.

    4. When considering the size of the universe and the wonders that are all around us, I do not doubt that there are other "Earth-like" planets.

    5. "We are a friendly species"? What utter rubbish, for a start

    we have been warring for 1000's years. We have destroyed many other species, either because they are food or are a threat. If an alien did come, we would probably shoot it and disect it.

    Come back to planet Earth

  19. Im not sure aliens exist.

  20. Yep already here sweety.We all are .

  21. It probably depends where they land as to whether or not they get shot.  Not everybody is so friendly and accepting of things they don't understand.  Considering the current state of things on planet Earth, I think any aliens that might fly by just see a bunch of bickering idiots that aren't worth their time.

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