
Isnt it about time we got rid of God Save Our Queen as the National Anthem,?

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Isnt it about time we got rid of God Save Our Queen as the National Anthem,?




  1. well, i'm from the usa, but personally i think it's somewhat disrespectful to change the national anthem. even though the queen doesn't do much anymore, royalty is a part your country, and unless you plan on being rid of that too, i wouldnt change the national anthem.

    what do you recommend instead? if you've got a better anthem, then maybe you could change it. otherwise, no.

  2. Yep, we should replace it with the more accurate "Science save our Prime Minister"...

  3. Yes.  And while you're at it, I think you should all move into the 21st century too and do away with the ridiculously outdated idea of a monarchy.

  4. Yeah, should be God Shave the queen...

    ...she's getting a right beard on her now.

  5. Why not post this in the UK Yahoo Answers?

  6. I would do away with it.  and have an National anthem for the UK( maybe land of hope and glory) and then one for the English, Scottish, welsh and Irish.  For the English I would have "Jerusalem"

    And did those feet in ancient time

    Walk upon England's mountains green?

    And was the holy Lamb of God

    On England's pleasant pastures seen?

    And did the Countenance Divine

    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

    And was Jerusalem builded here

    Among these dark Satanic Mills?

    Bring me my Bow of burning gold:

    Bring me my Arrows of desire:

    Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold?

    Bring me my Chariot of fire.

    I will not cease from Mental Fight,

    Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand

    Till we have built Jerusalem

    In England's green & pleasant Land.

  7. It's a dirge. Land Of Hope And Glory is so much better

  8. Now for a word from the Yanks (except this one lives South of the Mason-Dixon):  Look on the bright side.  At least the British national anthem  isn't taken from an old drinking song that glorifies war and has a really high note that no one can reach at the end of the first line.  

    Wait a minute, except for the bit about the high note that no one can reach (in "The Star-Spangled Banner"), that describes "God Save the Queen".  As for England's national anthem (discounting the Scots and Welsh), how about William Blake's "Jerusalem"?  Then again, within a few years, north of the Tweed, the national anthem will be "Flower of Scotland," so that line about "rebellious Scots to crush" (disregarding all the Scots in Gordon Brown's cabinet) will be timely once more.

    BTW, Americans periodically debate changing their national anthem, say, to "America the Beautiful", but not very seriously.  Besides, no one knows the words after the first stanza here either.  Americans, of course, are familiar with the melody of "God Save the Queen" because they learned "My Country "Tis of Thee" in elementary school.  

    Isn't it the dickens being a multi-cultural society?

  9. Yes.

    It's time to become a republic and get rid of these parasites. They have been leeching off the country for years. I own part of Buckingham Palace. I am a tax payer so why cant I live there.

  10. No. I quite like it....Although I dont see what use the queen is lol.

    But its reconisged is'nt it?

    When I was training down Pirbright for the army-we sung it in church every sunday-makes you really proud to be British.

  11. oh and god save gordon would be so much better

    yahoo doesn't see it fit to give the uk its own part of Y! answers...........

  12. shouldn't have an anthem altogether

    nobody uses it

    who cares about the queen anyway?

    and not everyone beleives in god

    so it'd be a bit ignorant to leave it like that.

  13. No, it's not about time we "got rid of it"

    It's not doing any harm is it?

    "What's the point in fixing something that isn't broken?"

  14. As far as I'm aware, our national anthem is the only one in the world that talks about an individual rather than a country. It is also a horrible, tuneless dirge.

    This is just another reason we need to be become a Republic, so we can replace this embarrassing piece of rubbish with a proper national anthem.

  15. I am not being disrespectful but,our national anthem is a dirge,How about something truly uplifting, like Land of Hope and Glory.I defy anyone to be unmoved or unpatriotic with that as our anthem.The words King/Queen could be worked in somewhere.

  16. What do you suggest instead?

  17. Why..? What else would you suggest?

    Give it 50 years and it'll be "God Save Our King" anyway.. (Not treason, but she's not going to live forever is she..?)

  18. Yes..It is long over due

  19. no, i think the queen should be saved and who better to save her than God himself?

  20. I suggest "England Swings" by Roger Miller.


    I'm English and British and proud of both. You lot obviously have no respect for all the work, yes work, HM the Queen does for this country, representing us every single day of the year despite her age, and for the respect that should be awarded to her and her family - don't forget about her mother and father remaining in London during the blitz.

    as for the national anthem I can't see that much harm in using Jerusalem or Land of Hope and Glory, but getting rid of the Queen altogetheher, Britain would be far worse off for it, I for one am happy to contribute my taxes.

  22. no that is ridicoulous it is part of the pride of our country some people might say diffrent its because you have no pride in the country or our history

  23. are you guys in england? if so is queen ELizabeth 2 your queen? just asking because im studying queen elizabeth 1 and 2 if you guys have any info please email me!

  24. yes

  25. HFL'08 the queen is in her 80's now lol dont think we be waiting 50 years! I think we should abolish the monarchy altogether and save the taxpayers millions

  26. It is rather depressing isnt it? I think it should be Rule Britannia :D Or something uplifting like Italy's national anthem

  27. Certainly. We shouldn't have our Head of State "chosen" by a mere accident of birth. I wonder what our cousins in republics like France and USA think about this outmoded institution.

  28. No. We are swarmed with immigrants and muslims. I hate it. Good old england was best.

    Untill they came.....

    -The PM's and politicians were good.

    -We were good at football. We even won the world cup in      1966

    -Fuel was cheap

    -The Queen was the most popular woman around

    -Housing was affordable

    -Inflation was rare

    -We were good at winning wars

    -Very few people were murdered

    -Kids didn't carry knives

    And so on and so fourth.......

  29. Not really. We should be thankful we have a Queen.

    I do, however, support a little re-writing. Perhaps replacing the verse talking about Her enemies with something country-related.

  30. Yes, I think each country that makes up UK should have its own anthem.

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