
Isnt it disgusting that Mumbai is considered the 7th dirtiest city in the world.?

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This is amazing. Well, no consolation, since all Indian cities are dirty, be it Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, or any other. For comparison, I am giving a list of few cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

1. Lahore 2. Karachi 3. Jakarta 4. Tehran 5. Kuala Lampur 6. Riyadh

7. Johannesburg 8. Durban 9. Nairobi 10. Harare 11. Cairo 12. Algiers. 13. Abuja

14. Beunos Aires 15. Sao Paolo 16. Santiago 17. Bogota 18. Rio de Generio 19. Ascucion.;

some war-torn cities like Baghdad, Jerusalem and Mogadishu.

some cities with large percentage of Indians like Mauritius, Dubai, Fiji.

There may be many more, but that only says that more than one of these cities in these "Third World Countries" are cleaner than Mumbai (or any Indian city).

Could somebody share his/her opinion about this topic, especially those who have travelled around the world, including the third world countries. Say, any city in a third world country, which is clean, very clean.




  1. yes, it is disgusting. mumbai is an eyesore. people don't care abt keeping the city clean. all these cleanliness drives are of no use. people spit on the roads, throw empty plastic bottles and wrappers out of rickshaws, buses, they urinate anywhere, the drains are horrible, etc. etc. as a teenager, i hate all these things. when we go for school picnics, the students litter the picnic spot. when my friends try to do so, i tell them to put all the rubbish in a bin or in their bags so they can throw it away when they go home, but they refuse and say, "chalta hai". it is amazing that even adults aren't bothered, my own parents or teachers for instance. this attitude of the people has to be stopped.  unless the citizens take action, nothing is going to change. i am doing my bit to keep this city clean. it's time other people do the same.

  2. No its not more than 50% areas are slums, know details at

  3. Mumbai is dirty because:

    - The municipal elections are fought by local goons whose aim is to make money - they have nothing to do with improving civic amenities

    - Corporators and Politicians - who have the power and your money (tax) to clean up the city are corrupt and useless.

    - People in india usually elect their leaders not on the basis of what they can do for the country or city, but based on caste, language and religion considerations - this is a backward way of thinking.

    This is the reason why:

    - Mumbai is dirty.

    - All Indian cities are dirty in general.

    - There are diseases in urban slums and rural hutments.

    - There is no clean drinking water - only promises.

    - There is no plan to make farmers stand on their feet - but instead make sure they remain poor and get used to hand-outs (liker 60,000 crores).

    What a shame.

  4. I am not surprised. With the largest slum in Asia, why wouldn't.

  5. Mumbai sucks because It is dirty

    2nd it is not green

    3rd people are rude

    4th they are not helpful

    5th they are talking like Mumbai is their country not city

  6. i think even if there was no people in mumbai (but had buildings and such) then it would still be dirty because its hard to control dust in a place so close to desert

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