
Isnt it pathetic?

by  |  earlier

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did you guys here about the teenager who hopped TWO security fences at a theme park with posted safety signs, to pick up a hat he dropped on a rollercoaster. he knew it was a possibilty that he could get injured. but he did it anyway. and got decapitated. he couldnt just buy another hat. he had to risk his life. and the worst part is, his friend went with him. would you be scarred for life if you saw your friend head being chopped off by a roller coaster?




  1. Holy c**p 4 a hat thats pretty dang stupid

  2. yea i heard about that... its sad.

    its also sad how dumb some people can be. :(

    my heart truly goes out to the family, and to the friend who had to witness it, and also to the passerbys who witnessed it... i hope he went quickly and it wasnt too painful :/


    makes me remember how lucky we are to have the ones we have, for they can go any moment. muffin, i love you. never forget me. never ever, even if our lives take us seperate ways... ill still love you forever

    i just wanted u to know cause ur going to an amuzement park, and be careful ok, i dont wanna have to ry myself to sleep for the rest of my life

    muffin, my love for u is pure

  3. The ride-op should have told him not to wear that hat on the ride. It would have prevented this whole thing.

  4. Yea i know. Sorry to the family though.

    : )

  5. wow, i didn't hear about it until now, but what was going threw his head. that hat must of have been given to him by GOD or something to have rest so much for.. i do feel sorry but i mean it's not like he was 5. but yeah thanks for posting..

  6. Saw it. Someone should have filmed it.

    I know that sounds awful, having such a horrid sight posted online for everyone to see. But y'know, it'd be something to teach others with. Show em that, be like "Now you know why Rollercoasters are dangerous outside of the seat, don't do that crazy c**p."

    It'd teach people to have some common sense then, and not go jumping fences DESIGNED for their safety to get a hat that probably cost less than 20 bucks, way cheaper than the price of their life.

    Well, too late to stop him I guess. Anyone have details on who the boy was? And also, I give condolences to the family and the friends who saw such a traumatizing event. (Though that one black girl who told em what she saw and heard didn't seem so "Traumatized." She seemed a bit eager and excited to talk about it. Probably the Camera...)

  7. that is really sad i was in shocked and i heard his head did not get chopped off it was his leg

  8. that was sick and sad and sorry y would u die 4 a stupid hat pathetic i agree

  9. it is quite pathetic yes (sorry to the family) but he must have been pretty dim just for a hat and why would he take a hat on a rollercoaster anyway. they have like lockers and stuff by the ride where you can put stuf that could fall off or something on the rides or he could of just held it or sat on it. lastly this happened to my brother at chessington and he started to cry but luckily the hat blew into the compartment behind where my mum was but she didnt even notice she just saw it as we were leaving.

  10. As many thumbs-downs I will probably get for typing this, I completely agree with you.  I do, however, feel badly for his family, but I do not...even for one second, feel badly for this kid.  At 17, he should have known better than to ignore the danger signs, and climb not one..but TWO fences.  Six Flags will probably be sued for this kid's stupidity, and I have to tell ya...I am behind Six Flags 1000% on this.  They did what was necessary to keep people out of harm's way, and they shouldn't be held responsible for one person's sheer stupidity.  They can't control free will.  If Six Flags had failed to put signs in the area, and/or put up fences...then it'd be a different story, but this is not the case.  Seriously, how much is a shitting hat worth??  I agree...dude, you should've just said "oh well" and   bought another hat. Ugh.

    One "solution" to this hat problem (for the future) is that Six Flags employees can....once a day...shut down the coaster, and go into the enclosure to collect all of the fallen hats.  They can then put them in lost-and-found, where anyone who'd lost them can retreive them safely.  Another thing that can be done is if ANYONE is wearing a hat, and they refuse to remove it...they get kicked out of line, and can't ride the ifs, ands or buts.

  11. Sooo....did he get his hat?

  12. u neva no could of been a special hat or he could of been poor but highly dought full a poor person at a amuzment park lol XD but that person has to live wif the fact that because of him his mate died and that will probably drive him into sucide one day or something crazy like but yea... so sad >.<
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