
Isnt it time England got rid of Kevin Petersan, he is not a team player. Ravi Bopara needs a chance?

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Isnt it time England got rid of Kevin Petersan, he is not a team player. Ravi Bopara needs a chance?




  1. yeah sure!! by all means i think England should drop them, but then they would have to accept that whether he is a selfish player or not (personally i dont really lean one way or the other as i dont see much of him), but even if he does play for himself, ifs hes scoring runs for himself, while playing for england, i'm sure that englands selectors and supporters dont care, as long as he keeps scoring runs!! i'm sure Kookee doesnt care as long as he stays in the runs!

    but honestly id like to see him dropped, cos i dont think england are any chance of winning the Ashes next year without him!! i'm not saying he could win them off his own bat, but i dont think England could win without him!

  2. Yes, let's drop players willy-nilly every time they hit a bad patch. That really is a good idea!

    Now, as some may be aware, I am at times heavily critical of Kevin Pietersen: I feel he looks after Number One first and foremost, and is at times more concerned with commercial opportunities than playing cricket.

    However, getting rid of someone just because he isn't a team player is utter hogwash as far as I am concerned. I don't care whether someone fits into the team or not, provided he performs on the park. Pietersen is England's most consistent, and best, batsman. As for bringing in Bopara, well, please.....he isn't even half the player Pietersen is. If he was good enough, he would be in the team. He had his chance in Sri Lanka, abd failed miserably.

  3. Peterson is a selfish player,  he has done very little since the Ashes,  He was a top dog in the Ashes that is the real reason he is still in the team,  the thinking is if we have some Ashes hero's in there we may just win sometimes.  Ravi has had every chance to play for England  his sparkling form for Essex,  just disapears when he is selected to play.  Look at the England A game against New Zealand,  Ravi had played them for Essex  and did ok,  but was not so go in the A team.  To replace Peterson with Ravi would be a mistake he doesnt have the form or the presence on the pitch.

  4. no

  5. International cricket past and present is littered with non-team-players. Funnily enough it really comes down to personal opinion.  Just doesn't happen to be the English selectors opinion. Bad luck.

    Pardon me being ill informed but who is Ravi Bopara? :-/

  6. No.

    It would be a bit silly to drop your best batsman.

    Bopara's time will come.

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