
Isnt it wrong to feed kittens to a snake ?

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okay my sister's cat had kittens and she has been trying to find get homes for the kittnes but nobody wants them even though they'e free. but this guy contacted her and said he would give her $100 for thw whole litter becasue he wanted to feed them to his snake. she is actually thinking about it cause the cats would be off her hands and she would get money. i feel that is so wrong and sickening that someone could do that. dont you agree? how can i talk her out of this since she is actually considering it?




  1. Don't do that!! That is so wrong!! Its also heart renching and discusting!!! Talk about animal abuse!!!!!!

  2. Well, obviously, but it the way of life because a snake will eat a cat or anything anyways, and the cat will die anyways if no one takes care of it, so it all fits together in a way ;]

  3. No, the kittens could scratch the snake and cause an infection, does the guy even care about his snake.  Plus kittens can be taken to the human society and problem solved and no animals would be hurt.  I have a snake that I feed rats to, she is big enough to eat kittens but I would never do that.  I know that it would happen in the wild but my snakes live on rats just fine.

  4. In truth, on an emotional level it feels very wrong to me.

    But then, what is the difference between a kitten and a rat?  As far as I can see, the only difference is that kittens are cute and rats aren't.  And that is why people, including myself, are so revulsed by this idea.

    A snake has to eat.  Its that whole circle of life thing.  The mice and rats still want to live just as much as the kittens do.  Still, it just feels wrong and quite revulsive.  And I am thoroughly suprised he is offering so much for the kittens; if he's only going to feed them to his snake.

    Something else is up here.  Mice and rats are so much cheaper.  Why pay so much for kittens?

  5. Give It To The Snakes....

  6. That is horrible. Where do you live? I would so get one if you where near by. It would be a horrible death for the kittens, no matter what the snake is. You should tell your sister that it is inhumane and not fair to the cats.

  7. tell her to look into their eyes and honestly ask herself agian if she could do it.

  8. Snakes eat living prey.

    How is it any worse to feed them UNWANTED cats than, for example, rats?

    The only difference is that some people think cats are too "cute" to be snake food. How ridiculous.

    No, it is not wrong to feed the cats to a snake.

    By the way, some of these answers are hilarious. "Report the guy" "it's illegal" What BS.

    Inhumane to feed captive snakes ANYTHING? That one's my favorite!

  9. NO!!!!!

    That's against the law!! I don't care about that whole fact of life s h i t. That is wrong!!

    Get the guy's info and report him!!

    Tell ur sister it's against the law!!!

    If the guy doesn't give you his info, than you should know not to trust him!!!

    What is the world coming to??!!!!!!

    How could you condemn a kitten to it's death??!!

    Would you feed a new born baby to a snake?

    would you?!!

    If you beleive in that whole fact of life thing , then let me just tell you this.

    Snakes eat humans too. Would you feed a newborn baby to a snake? There is no reason to cause uneccesary pain!

    So give the guy a message for me.

    " If I see that dude feeding kittens to his snake, I would do what Jesus would do. I would light him on fire and send him to h**l!"

  10. OMG that is terrible, keep talking to her and talk her out of it!

  11. Oh My God..!  




    Wait Till There Older And Go To A Parking Lot Of A Store Thats ALWAYS Busy and People Will Buy Them

    If its Free Some People Might Take Them..

    If I Could I Would Buy All Them But I Cant  


  12. Of corse it's wrong! feeding poor little kittens to some monster like a snake!!!!!! >_< Besides, these kittens need a home, not to be lunch!!!! Just tell her it ain't worth it. I hope It turns out well =]

  13. ask her if she would like to be fed to a snake

    and if she woud like to watch it

    it might change her mind

  14. What, this guy doesn't know where to buy rodents?  Wtf?  He's probably gonna get some sick thrill out of it.  Threaten to call the ASPCA or something.

  15. ok so it's ok to feed mice to snakes but not kittens the guy will most likely kill the kittens first and it will be quick and painless.  just for the record though i couldn't feed the kittens to my snakes.

  16. Both should be reported to the ASPCA for animal cruelty. If she doesn't want them take them to a Humane Society.

  17. Okay...that is just WRONG1

    Suggest to your sister to take the kittens to a local SPCA.  They will care for them until they are adopted.

    My son had a snake and I found it difficult because the darn thing ate pinkies (newborn mice)-I could not watch it eat but that is nature.

    I'm sure in the wild snakes eat anything they can get their mouths around, but purposely feeding it a kitten is just too much!

  18. Ok ask her this: Would you want someone to feed your cat to a snake? I don't think she would so why harm innocent kittens! That is sick and cruel!

  19. ok it sounds very cruel, but its mother nature, what happens to kittens out in the wild? they get eaten by snakes. so its just mother nature, i have a snake but that is something that i wouldn't watch, i would watch it eat a mouse and a rabbit but not kittens.

  20. feeding anything live to a snake in captivity is wrong, its inhumane for the food and the snake.

  21. I wholly agree with you.  You could tell her to just give them to an animal shelter, or how 'bout a neighbor, friend, parent's coworker?  Even though she might not get the money, it'll be an ease off her conscience, and at least she didn't get three cats murdered(in a way) and she gave them happy homes.

  22. There is nothing wrong with using cats for snake food...Cats are worthless things anyway ....I used to feed cats and kittens to my gator when i had him...

  23. That's really, really weird.. I know of people that will get free pets out of classified ads to feed to their snakes, but, not paying more then it costs for a rat..

    My guess is the guy is some kind of sicko if he's willing to pay that much for kittens to feed to a snake. The video will probably end up on youtube somewhere..

    I have a snake, and would never feed it a kitten. Rats are a much better nutritional source. Heck, I wouldn't even take someone's pet rat as snake food. I'd rather have a rat raised for that purpose..

  24. The circle of life, didn't you see the Lion King? Nobody is going to buy a cat, you said so yourself, they're free and people still don't want them! This way she gets money which she wouldn't get otherwise, the snake gets to eat. Win/Win situation, and there is one less litter of cats to reproduce and strain animal control centers. Besides, there is a high possibility of death due to diseases, getting mauled by dogs, hit by cars, etc. if no one takes care of them.  At least this way they would serve a purpose, giving life to another animal.

  25. OK some of you people are really retarded on here for one it is not illegal to feed a kitten to a snake and animal control won't do anything either it is the circle of life and in the wild bigger snakes take down bobcats and other cats and to the person that said snakes eat humans you are the most retarded of all do some research before you opinionate because there is not one single incident EVER recorder about a snake eating a human there are a few proven to be fake pictures floating around on the net


  27. If the cat does not find a home it may end up in the ash can someday.

    But us humans bond with cats. Those kittens have the potential to be someone's family member and live a good life.

    Call up an animal shelter. Tell them of your dilemma.

  28. This is enhuman and sick!

  29. You can talk her out of it by threatening her with calling your parents, or calling Animal Control!

    Well, you are right to ask for help here.  This situation is SO wrong for SO many reasons.


    Number one - have your sister call Animal Control, and report the guy!  Well, that's not what's she gonna do, I'm sure, but it's what she SHOULD do!

    First, as for the kittens - take them to the SPCA and leave them there for adoption.  IF you are poor, and your parents absolutely can't afford to fix the mother cat, talk to the nice folks at SPCA while you are there, and they will arrange to fix the animal free for you, OR tell you of free spaying clinics around the area which also do this.

    There is NO excuse for unwanted kittens.  Getting the Mommy fixed is very easy, even if you have NO MONEY.  So, get your sister educated on taking care of the real problem, and leave the kittens with SPCA to be adopted out to good homes.

    Next, tell the cruel heartless IDIOT trying to feed kittens to a snake (and willing to pay $100 for them) that he can buy MANY more feeder rabbits for his snake, than kittens, with $100!!!  And he will have a reliable source of feeder food for his snake.  Have him either buy them frozen from a pet store, or contact a rabbit breeder in his area (he can find one just by picking up the newspaper and looking at ads for rabbits for sale, or going to a rabbit show, or asking a vet to recommend one).

    People should research the growing needs of a snake, and what its needs will be as an adult.  If this guy has a Burmese - he'll soon be trying to buy dogs and goats for it!

    So, help him out, and tell him about rabbits.  Even big snakes can be fed rabbits.  Some breeds of rabbits can reach 30 pounds!  So, make sure he knows that.

    (Shakes head sadly.)

    Save those kittens.  Smack your sister.  Take the kitten and the Mommy Cat to SPCA, and educate that snake owner.

    You'll sleep better at night, for having done it.

    Kuddos for stepping up and taking responsibility for your sister.

    Good luck, and I hope this has been helpful.

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