
Isnt neighboring russia enough for Sarah Palin's experience on foreign policies?

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Isnt neighboring russia enough for Sarah Palin's experience on foreign policies?




  1. Having a grandma in Kenya does not constitute foreign experience ether.

    Undecided - Independent

  2. she lives in a trailor park so how could she afford going over there. she would also be labelled a communist for going over there. they'd probrebly throw her out of the country

  3. I've been to Krakow, Poland; Buenos Aries, Argentina, Paris, France, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. I've taken russian history in college.

    Stop trippin'?  Absolutely not.

  4. Obviously it must be.  So everyone in Montana also has foreign policy experience because they live right next to the Canadian border.

  5. I suppose, if she actually has any foreign relations with russia.  Not many people travel from Alaska to or from Russia.  Some people do travel north from Canada, also a foreign nation, but more head south across the nearly 5,000 mile border with the U.S..  Of course there is an outside possibility that she maybe took a Russian language course in college.

  6. This article tells of Mrs.Palin's trip overseas to visit Alaskan Soldiers in Kuwait and Germany.

    It also speaks to her position/command of the Alaskan National Guard

    It was Mrs. McCain that stated Mrs. Palin has National Security  experience because Russia, across the ocean is closest to Alaska.

    Do I think I would feel secure if something were to happen to Senator McCain if elected on a scale of 1-10.

    My answer would be -0-

    I'm starting to think the McCain campaign is using this woman in some way....It's to illogical to think with all the information available for anyone to research, that they didn't vet her....

  7. Well being a pollack doesnt mean you know that much about Poland does it?

    And you...are a pollack .

  8. thats all???? are you trying to say that Palin knows name of only one country?

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