i was at petland and there was a betta tank that looked like this http://www.crayfishguy.com/eBaykanda/OhBetta-medium.jpg
its not the same thing, but thats what it looked like.
i also saw at petland a lionfish http://coastalscience.noaa.gov/images/education/isolated_lionfish_sm.jpg
but was a small lionfish, but still. theyre poisonous and they are supposed to live in the free ocean.
and i also saw at petland a small stingray, like a foot long not including the tail.it was by itself in, id say a 50 gallon tank? stingrays and lionfish live in the huge ocean with other stingrays and lionfish, not at petstores where anyone can buy them. and a poor betta shouldnt have its whole life in a tube shaped tank. i think all three of these things are cruel. what do you think?