
Isn’t it nice to see the Party of tolerance out in force to ?

by Guest63413  |  earlier

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Show that they really hate women, special needs children even the democrat women here are showing their fangs and looking for blood. If you are g*y, a tree or a whale you are worth saving. Of course if you are a child born or not you are not even a blip on the screen.




  1. Bet their heads are spinning around too like in The Exorcist.

  2. Uh...whatever.  According to Gallup, most people already are reacting very negatively to McCain's s***w up.

    Here's 21 reasons why...

  3. I think they've taken crazy pills.

  4. exaggerate much ?????

  5. I know.  I can't believe some of the things I've seen.  But it's hard to keep that phony veneer up all the time.

  6. Yes, they have tolerance for those things the God of the bible condemns. And, intolerance for the Word.

  7. Dems don't hate women!!!  That's a smear if I've ever heard one.  We STARTED the woman thing...WITH HILLARY....hello?????  Its the 18 million democrats that Mccain is after with this one.  But anyway...there were plenty of women that McCain could have (and should have) chosen instead of Palin that would have given many people a little more confidence in his decision-making ability.

    Ex. Hutchison, Whitman, Fiorina, etc etc...

    PLUS -- many people are not happy that Mccian barely knows this woman (as the rest of us barely know her as well).  What...they spoke once, twice?  Even if he believes in her resume (however thin it may be) and her charisma or talent, he still has NO IDEA how they will mesh (and obviously he doesn't care).  Obama, on the other hand, has chosen someone that is greatly experienced and more importantly, some that he knows well and has worked with for months!

    Now who really cares about America??

  8. I do not hate Special Needs children.  I think Palin's infant (if it is indeed hers ..) needs his mother, and America does not need her in power.

  9. Their hatred is so unabashedly transparent that they have even attacked Palin's child with Downs Syndrome.

    The Dems  lack a conscience or any semblance of morality and decency.

    McCain/Palin   2008

  10. Oh, they're still the Party of Tolerance.

    They tolerate hate.

    They tolerate political exclusion.

    They tolerate the welfare state.

    They tolerate killing babies.

    They tolerate impeachable offenses of their party.

    They tolerate, no...make the IDOLIZE party members who get liquored up, drive off bridges, then swim away and sober up while the woman they picked up at a party drowns.

    They tolerate terrorism.

    I could go on. And on. And on.

    SCOURGE: "If it's indeed hers". Thanks for the reminder. THEY TOLERATE INTERNET GENERATED RUMOR AND HATE SPEECH. Again, thanks, sweetheart. I couldn't have earned the 10 points without you.

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