
Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil - how best to deal with it?

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An isolated, so far unknown tribe was spotted a few weeks back near the border between Brazil-Peru.

What is the best course of action to take?




  1. lol.....are you going to do something about it??

  2. 1.  Leave them alone.

    2.  Protect their forest habitat - enforce the illegal logging ban and establish patrols to ensure it is effective.

    The irony of most illegal logging is that it is usually done in such a way as to make the soil infertile after a few years - a scandal.  

    Tax the major logging firms behind this rape of our planet and use that money to ensure any logging is sustainable and if possible rain forest margins are encouraged to regenerate.

  3. Leave them alone.

    These days whenever we see something "unusual", our first instinct is to determine and define what it is. What makes this unusual is they haven't been explained. That's the only thing that makes them unique.

  4. let them live the way they live..

    dont disturb them .. we dont need to make documentary on their lives .. we dont need to show the lights of so called civilisation..

    they are good as they are now..

  5. Leave them alone.

    Too often and for centuries nations have clonised other countries and have decimated the natives, and the establishment of the US is an example.

    Early US  was clonised by the french, spanish and brits, originally, and the others, all of which brought their diseases

    Learn freom past nmistakes.

    and I garantee it will be a US "News Channel" that will s***w it up.

  6. I'd say leave them alone. Then have the asker give his opinion on this.

  7. Well, maybe create a preserve or some protected land, they have done that in the past. From reading it, coming in contact with them is not the best thing. I am guessing that this is not up to you or me, and hopefully who ever decides what do has more knowledge on the topic, I don't know maybe an anthropologist or something and they do take the best course of action, what ever that may be.

  8. Leave them alone!

    The rest of the world has already ruined most tribal culture.

    They're probably more 'civilized' than we are.

  9. Wow, thats deep. I dont know.

  10. My first instinct is to say let them alone, but you know, it's already too late for that in one sense: they saw the aircraft that photographed them, as is obvious by the way they are pointing up at it.  And unless we make some sort of contact, how do we know what they want?  Do we have the right to withhold the "blessings" of modern technology from them and make them into a sort of remote lab experiment in isolation?  

    The only thing I can say is what NOT to do: don't make like the 19th century and send them Christian missionaries as the sole point of contact.

  11. No action please. Let them be as they are. What will you achieve by disturbing them?

  12. Why do we need to take ANY action at ALL?  They're not bothering anybody as far as I can tell and it's certainly not our concern here in America.

    Unless George Bush thinks this tribe might have either oil or weapons of mass destruction, I doubt the US will even bat an eye at them.

  13. course of action??

    leave them the f--- alone.

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