
Isopropyl Alcohol - Where to buy?

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I live in the UK, and have never seen this alcohol on any shelves while shopping. Where could I go to buy some?




  1. isopropyl is the same as Rubbing alcohol. you can usually find them at a pharmacy/drug store.

  2. Rubbing alcohol is about 70% isopropyl, 30% water.

    What are you using it for, not your gas tank I hope.

    You might be able to get almost 100% at a pharmacy.

  3. pure alcohol is available at paint stores, its commonly used as shellac thinner but can be used as fuel.

    isopropyl alcohol is 1/3 water & is available at drug stores, its commonly used as a rub for sore muscles.

  4. Most pharmacies or drug stores sell it as Rubbing Alcohol.

  5. Target has it for cheap.

  6. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

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