Prunella raises peaches. When L is the number of units of labor she uses and T is the number of units
of land she uses, her output is f(L, T)=L1/2T1/2 bushes of peaches.
On the graph, plot some input combinations that give her an output of 4 bushels. L is on the horizontal axis and T is on the vertical axis. Sketch a production isoquant that runs through these points.
What is the equation for the isoquant that gives her an output of 4 bushels?
The answer to this is T=16/L, but I don't understand where did the 16 came from. Please help!!!
And doesn't this isoquant function exhibit increasing returns to scale? The answer is "constant returns to scale" but I thought that as input (L) increases, if capital (in this case, T) increased as well, then the function exhibited increasing returns to scale. Why is this not the case?