
Israel- Hizbollah Prisoner Swap?

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  1. Yes israelis are much more subtle....

    low level F16 flights over the gaza strip to pop the ear drums of palestinian babies

    killing foreign journalists with bulldozers

    oh how brave and "balanced" they are , with their 30 billion dollar funding by dual national neo cons who control american foreign policy ....

    yes if your family was killed in a botched israeli air strike you would blow yourself up too !

  2. That's so horrible for the families - why couldn't they have been told beforehand?  It must have been a shock for them to see the coffins when they were hoping, even if they suspected they were dead, to see their relatives - it's a barbaric way to deal with them.

  3. 200 dead Palestinian and Lebanese militants handed back and there wasn't even a mention.The Israeli dead were mentioned.I pass no judgement on the exchange other than that biased reporting only adds to the problem.

    Israeli's don't have to blow themselves up in malls.Their government commits their atrocities on their behalf on a much more sophisticated level by way of missiles and bull dozers and deprivation of basic human rights.State sponsored terrorism.

    Your belief would be wrong.I am an extremely well travelled person and everywhere I go with the exception of America the Israeli's are seen as the aggressors and the occupiers.It's a fact.There are even Jews living in Israel and throughout the world who disagree with the Israeli governments Zionist aims.I guess the truth hurts.

  4. ..imagine the palestinian mothers caring for babies who have suffered from israeli depleted uranium shells...not posting any pictures - you couldnt handle them

    funny how the media OMITS the fact that 200 dead lebanese were swapped the other way....

    oh israelis dont dance they take an weird pleasure in taking peoples homes and pretending its their land, the amount of misery israelis cause is imeasurable !

    state terrorism in its finest form >>>israel

  5. The Israelis should hand the Hezbollah prisoners back in coffins as well - that would be a fair swap!

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