
Israel and Iran ........ ?

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The news has been filled this week with the tension between these two countries, but in your opinion, which of the two is the bigger threat to world peace .... or are they as bad as each other?




  1. Let's see - Iran a radical Islamic theocracy who controls 20% of oil production in the world, and Israel is a secular democracy who has survived multiple attacks from its neighbors.

    Iran is training terrorists and sends them to Iraq, Lebanon and all over the world, while Israel sends rescue teams to every disaster area.

    I think my answer is pretty clear...

  2. Well Israel has the superior fire/nuclear capability by far (not to mention America's support and all their weapons).

  3. OBAMA:  Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union.  They don't pose a serious threat to us.  Iran, they spend one one-hundredth of what we spend on the military.  If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn't stand a chance.

    And if Barack Hussien Obama ends up in power, they're going to be able to do anything they want because they know you're not going to react at all

  4. Kamran - I think it started when Akmedinijad (spelling????, you know the nut job in the Members Only Jacket) repeatedly said Israel should be wiped of the face of the earth, or maybe it started when Iran started funding terrorists who attack Israel.  Or maybe it started ever since Israel was created and all of you guys just have a problem with their existence.

    BLOO - Iran has been funneling weapons in to Iraq to destabilize the peace ( or lack there of)...what about that respect for other nations????

    Israel has never stated it wanted another country annihilated. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIT.  The leader of Iran is constantly making threats against Israel .

    I for one think the US should just sit on the sidelines and let Israel go to town.  Thats one country that KNOWS how to defend itself!

  5. Just ask yourself, which of the two countries would ever threaten the civilised world with nuclear weapons?  There is only one answer; the most dangerous country is Iran.

  6. Iran.  It's just too flat out unstable, unpredictable, and radical.

    it gets a kick out of tweaking the US's nose, and sometimes it's good at it.  Nothing exemplifies this better than their insistence on pursuing their nuclear program while the rest of the western world sits by wringing its hands.

  7. Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 200 years. It has signed the NPT and is allowing inspections. Israel has nukes and has not signed the NPT and is not allowing inspections. Israel is in breach of over 60 UN resolutions, and is the only country on earth extending its lawful borders (in a broadly easterly direction).

    most definite Israel is the biggest threat to peace

    Also all of this started when Israel's deputy PM Shaul Mofaz said last month that striking Iran was "unavoidable". How exactly do you expect Iran to react? Should they be painting bulls eyes on the tops of their buildings instead?

    When you openly threaten to pre-emptively attack a country, then when they say or do anything in response, you can hardly take that as evidence of ill intentions. America and Israel are the ones with ill intentions.

  8. It's just a joke over us ...... Iran is Muslim Country .what is the face of comparison to ask this question ?

    George Bush ..... u can Ask Him ... cause He is the Headmaster of the WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Kamran says it all really...

  10. Aside from the fact that there's no proof that Iran is planing to attack another country (preemptively, or unilaterally), and it's denied this assertion  on many occasions; Iran knows full well that an act of aggression will be responded to forcefully and justifiably. Iran and the rest of the world also know full well that an attack on Iran will be responded to- justifiably? I'd say yes. That's why Israel should respect other countries sovereignty (just as Iran does).


    The "wiped off the map" claim is mistranslated and doesn't imply an attack on Israel.

    Besides, Hamas and Hezbollah are just as much terroristic as Israel in the early years of its creation.

    And yes, an Israeli minister threatened "destruction of the Iranian nation" (which is kind of odd, as nation includes people, and politicians are always careful not to threaten the people.)

  11. Iran, in my opinion.

  12. Iran, like Israel has a right to defend itself from aggressors. Look what the US did to Iraq. Just because they did NOT have nuclear weapons. Or WMDs.

  13. israel has hits hands on american foreign policy , a deathly grip that no one can release , with that power the israelis are are biggest threat to the world , to peace ...

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