
Israel or Iran ? which country is better positioned to help US fight terrorism in the Middle East ?

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Israel or Iran ? which country is better positioned to help US fight terrorism in the Middle East ?




  1. This question makes no sense unless it's some kind of weird code.  Iran is behind most of the terrorism in the Middle East.

  2. Iran most diffidently.  Just shutting down their terror training camps would help a great deal.  The rockets they sent to Hamas and Hexbo, take them back.

    Stop supplying radicals with bomb making materials to blow themselves up with would certainly make a lot of people more sociable.

    If the Midget would stop jumping up and down catch a breath look around himself, figure out what it is he is doing and stopping it,  The whole world would sigh a breath of relief.

    I am all for Iran helping to stop terrorism, they could start there and by telling their supporters on line to stop being jerks.

  3. You silly goose, Iran fight terrorism ??? Are you talking Christen terrorism or Jewish terrorism, they have yet to be invented .

  4. If the US didn't need oil, they wouldn't even be in the Middle East. It's got nothing to do with the war on terror.

    Why does Bush always go to Saudi? To visit O'sama in his rich home, smile and shake hands like long lost brothers. Cheers!

  5. if USA and other countries become friendly with iran there will be no reason for terrorism.. specially if the Palestinian problem stops... and they will stop the existing terrorism and going to stop creating new ones...many of the people are frustrated with the western countries like USA who support Israel no matter what they do including genocide.. while they would try to stop or stand for other countries who do less than that...USA fighting Iran for the nuclear weapon while Israel have Demona one of the biggest nuclear lab...???

  6. Considering the 'OIL' factor!

    as soon as Iran shows the green light,

    US will be all over that country

    playing 'goody two shoes', if you know what i mean,

    thus Israel will be the 2nd best friend!....nough said!

  7. im ganna say iran.

  8. Israel ofcourse....and about the other country you canot fight againts yourself, right:)?

  9. ROFL! Iran actively supports and funds terrorist organisations.

    Israel has been fighting terror attacks on its own civilians since the day it was formed. So Israel is far better positioned to help the US fight terror in the Middle East.

  10. You joking right??  Israel is our only true Allie in the Middle east.  Iran is a haven for terrorist.

  11. of course israel, israel will do anything to fight terrorism and is american ally.

  12. Israel derrrrrr. When would Iran ever help the US. Do you know how many hate speachers hes made towards the west.

  13. Iran and they have actually helped with groups the US has been fighting recently. Iran helped the US overthrow the Taliban and al quaida in Afghanistan,their reward was being labeled part of an axis of evil.

  14. Definitely Iran.;-)

  15. Oh my god, what the h**l is going on with you? I don't think that it actually needs to be said because it's obvious, but: ISRAEL!  

  16. Are you trying to be funny?  We have slapped sanctions on Iran and might even blow them off the face of the map.

  17. Present-day Iran is the Islamic regime which KEPT AMERICAN DIPLOMATS HOSTAGE--if that ain't terror, I don't know what is!

  18. I think that Israel would be more willing to help.

  19. The US needs to butt out of the Middle East

  20. Seeing as Iran is helping blow up US troops in Iraq....I think its Israel as the good one.

    Israel's been the US's only good friend for a long time...and England, we don't forget their help....even though 1776- we kicked their butts...ahaha just kidding =)

  21. you get it the right way!!!

    Iran is a great ALLEY of the united states , they only make propaganda for invading the arab countries ..

    Iran shares the usa wars onto afghanistan and iraq.. they supply petroleum and resources.

    unfortunately, non of israel or iran could help usa in fight on terrorism in the middle east, because both israel and iran need someone to clean the area from their terrorism

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