
Israel or palestine,which is the true nation in this region and why?

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or do both have equal rights




  1. Well if you look at it from a purely historical perspective it is Israel.

    The Jews founded israel in approximately 1000BC.

    When they arrived in the area, they came into conflict with a number of other peoples in the area. Their main adversaries were the Peleset(aka Philistines). These were a people from the Agean Islands, who had been pushed into the area by barbarian tribes such as the Illyrians.

    The Hebrews vanquished the Peleset and built the Kingdom of Israel, Judah later split from Israel.

    By around 900BC the Peleset were Extinct, and never mentioned in history again. They are NOT related to modern Arab Palestinians, as they were extinct 1600 years before the Arabs took over the area!

    It is noteable that while all this was going on, in historical terms at least, there was no mention of Arabs. Arabs had not entered history, and at this time were still living as nomads in what is now Saudi Arabia.

    Modern Iraq was inhabited by Assyrians, Babylonians and Assyrio-Arameans, Moden Syria was inhabited by Arameans, Amorites and Neo-Hittites, Modern Lebanon was inhabited by Canaanites(aka Phoenicians),Jordan by Nabateans and Arameans, Egypt by Egyptians, Sudan by Nubians and Napatans, Libya by Putrians, Yemen by Shebans, Oman by Maganites and Ubarites, Algeria by Numidians etc point is, NO ARABS!

    The people who we term Palestinians are actually Arabs, the majority whom arrived during and after 7th Century AD.

    It is noticeable that Israel was conquered first by the Assyrians, then Babylonians, Persians and Greeks...NONE of these peoples referred to their colony as Palestine, nor made any mention of Arabs living in the area.

    The term Palestine was revived by the Romans, and did not apply to Arabs, who were either non existant or small migrant minorities in the area in Roman times.

    From Roman times onwards the term Palestine became more popular, BUT, the term Palestinian applied to ALL peoples living in the area, eventually this came to include Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, Arameans, Nabateans etc was NOT a term used to denote Arabs.

    There is a terrible misconception among people in the west that Arabs are an ancient people who have always lived in the near east. Not True!

    I myself am an Assyrian, from what is now Iraq. We have lived there for 5000 years, the Arabs only arrived with the coming of Islam 1400 years ago, and did not become the majority until perhaps the 13th century AD.

    This pattern is true of all middle eastern countries outside the Arabian Peninsula.

    Its worth noting also, that those Christian peoples that survived the coming of the Arabs and Islam, are actuall descended from the ancient races of the area....particularly those in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

  2. israel is the politically recognised state. israel was created by britain after world war 2 for the survivors of the halocaust. the thing they didnt realise was that people lived there (palestinians) and they stole their homes, that is what all the fighting is about.

  3. The land belongs to those who lived there prior to dividing the land. My understanding of those who were there were simply Arabs, not "Palestinians." And that those Other Arabs were wanderers from Jordan, Egypt etc. That "Palestine" doesn't nor never has existed. The claims by some are there is no such thing as a Palestinian nation. No such thing as a Palestinian language or Palestinian culture.

    But that is all irrelevant in the over all scheme of things. Regardless of who they are, who they were or want to be, the land is rightfully owned by those forced out. And being forced out was wrong.

    I must condemn the suicide attacks on civilians in Israel I'm sorry, but I can not ever condone those actions. I understand the anger, even rage but.........suicide bombings will NEVER bring peace. It only deepens the conflict, not resolve it.

  4. The Palestinians have lived there for hundreds of years Israel was part of Palestine when it was "given" to the Jews in 1947. As this is a fact and not a theory I guess the true nation in this region are the Palestinians. Israel are only unwelcome lodgers

  5. Israel, long before our time. But it seems History is selective to her enemies...

  6. At this point in time,Israel. I see no evidence that a Palestinean nation could ever progress beyond a group of warring factions.

  7. I don't believe that the Israelis have the right to Palestine.  The arabs were already occupying it when the United Nations gave Israel the right to set up home there.  It wasn't theirs to give and it wasn't the Israelis right to take it.  They believe it is theirs based on a promise in the Bible.  Imagine the chaos if everyone staked their claim based on religion.  I have no love of Islam, believe me, but I do believe in fair play.

  8. Neither is the true nation for the same reason. They were both people driven off their land. So at the very least in my opinion both have equal rights. Since Palestinian where driven off just 50 years ago think their deeds are better.

  9. Gotcha and Michael w have it sorted

  10. A man can have what he can take.   And keep what he can hold.

  11. People seem to forget a few important things here!

    1. The Jews did not all leave Isreal, many have been living there continuously for 3000 years! So they did not just all arrive and Take it off the Arabs. Thats cast iron FACT.

    2. The Jews actually were the First to found a nation there in 1000BCE. That was Way Before any Arabs lived there. FACT.

    3. There are no such Race as Palestinians(Nor a language called Palestinian, nor Palestinian Names, Nor Palestinian Culture or History), not anymore anyway. They were wiped out by the Hebrews thousands of years ago, and again, that was in a time way before Arabs lived there! FACT.

    4. The people we call Palestinians are Arabs! FACT.

    5. Palestine is an invented name(by Romans), it wasnt what the land was called originally. It was called Israel by the Jews who founded the first kingdom there. All other races in the Ancient world called it Israel too....i wonder why?

    6. Palestinian did not originally mean Arab Muslims, it meant all of the people living in the Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman and British ruled colony there.....surprise surprise, that Included Jrws who had always lived there.

    7. The Arabs already rule 98% of the middle east, most of which was Stolen from the native races there, whose surviving members they persecute to this day!....isnt 98% Enough?

  12. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually Palestinians (Arabs) living in Israel.  And they live in realative peace with the Jews.  As many others have said, the Jews were the first to set up a Kingdom there, long, long before the Arabs entered the area.  Both have equal rights to live in peace, but that is a two way street.  If they stopped launching rockets, I think they would find life would get a h**l of a lot easier.

  13. the israelis steak their claim by saying "god gave us this land"

    since when did God drive around in a stoopid mini cooper pretending to be an estate agent !?

    palestine is palestinian and they will get their homeland back

  14. Historically the Jews lived in the region they were called the Israelites long before the Islamic religion started in about 630AD  Jesus was a jew and that was more than 2000 years ago. the jewish calender date is 5768,  the region has had christians Jews and Arabs.  Its the size of Wales and people die for it.  The Palestinian was living in a land that was at that period called Palestine which was were Jews were also  living,  After the WW11 when the world voted on a Jewish State to be called Israel.  The Arabs who did not vote but asked the Palestians to leave while they sent in the Arab armies to push the Jews in to the sea so that they could claim Jewish land and farms and properties,but the did not win the war and they were invited back before the border was closed but most did not return.   Before the British were in the region it was ruled but the Turkish Ottoman Empire where Jews were also living.  They had been buying desert and swamps land off arab farmers that was run down to the delight of the arabs that sold the land, they paid high prices for the land then suddenly with hard work the land began to flourish and they thought "just a minute I want it back now to turn it back into deserts and swamps while I sit and smoke my hubble bubble pipe".  

    The shame of the rich Arab world that uses the Palestinian as a tool for their war against Jews instead of helping them keeping them in camps whipping up hatred more than 60 years on and still calling them refugees, most were not even born but are still porns in the game.  There would be not conflict without outside countries interferring and it could of been resolved year ago.  Just get a Map out and see if you can spot the dot that is Israel which is surrounded by the rest of the Arab world.  (Its like my back garden on the map of the UK)

    In answer to your question of course they BOTH have rights to live in peace.

    I should like to add that both HAMMERABI and PAULD have written very articulate and coherently about the events  of the regions  history

  15. A UN resolution does not create moral right.

    To lose your land, freedom, dignity and find yourselves the slaves of those people you most abhor must be the worst nightmare that can befall a people.

    Zionists base their claim to Israel on the scriptures but to anyone from a non-Abrahamic religion these are no closer to reality than Greek Mythology or Norse Legend. If one accepts the principle that people may be ejected from their homes on the basis of a three thousand year old title, then the entire world would be in turmoil as ancient indigenous populations ejected settlers from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

    Israel is the cause of many of the world's problems and I feel there is a real possibility that, given a free hand by its US backers, it may well trigger a war that will leave much of the West destroyed.

  16. Yes, it was the Palestinians that have lived there for hundreds of years Israel was part of Palestine when it was "given" to the Jews in 1947. But the Jews developed the land and made something of it. They "earned" it.

  17. Palestine

  18. Israel read the Bible

  19. Palestine is in the Arabian region, why do Jews call it middle east ? because they know that they don't have any rights in the historical Palestine.

  20. Israel.

    God sent Moses out of Egypt into the promised land to claim it for God's chosen people the Jews.

    This is what the Bible is about.

    The Bible is not a religion.

    Historical sources say that the Prophet Muhammad entertained a delegation of Christians from Najran in the Mosque of Medina, and permitted them to celebrate a mass inside the Mosque, notwithstanding the fact that Christian rites can include words that are against Islam [such as stating that Jesus is God].

  21. The "Phillistines" have the right of abode!

  22. there can not be a true nation. the true one is the one who does everything for peace

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