
Israeli trade- two soldier remains for prisoners (murderers). What are they thinking?

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What do you think about this trade? They should give back murderers who can just go ahead and kill some more people?

"The Israeli side will now hand over the great Arab mujahid (holy warrior) ... Samir Qantar and his companions to the ICRC," Safa said at the Naqoura border on the Mediterranean coast.

This is who they're handing them over to?! In addition to the fact that now these terrorists will think that they can kidnap and kill innocent people to use as bargaining chips. One of the prisoners that is being handed back smashed a little girl's head in until she died.

" including Samir Kuntar, the convicted Lebanese terrorist who received a sentence of 542 years in prison for his infamous role in the 1979 infiltration into the quiet coastal town of Nahariya where he butchered a young Israeli father, Danny Haran, in front of his four-year-old daughter, then smashed her skull against a rock with his rifle butt, killing her too."




  1. well if the jews would just get out of there cuntry that, has been thers for years and stop crying about it, we would have peace.

  2. the answer is simple

    Israel screwed up in 2006 and now its time to pay up

  3. Decode this lyrics "Love is in the air"

    "Only one road"

    Matt 5.9-14

    What do you think?

  4. So, do you think that the Israelis didn't 'prepare' the prisoners for release?

    Israel got back their sons to bury them on home soil and released murderers that they could not execute. I see 5 dead former prisoners in the future of Lebanon and a few 'collateral' victims as well.

    This is not the end of the story. More terrorist will be 'evicted' from earth and sent to collect their 72 virgin goats.

  5. yes it is a silly move but doesnt the Israeli government and Military often make such silly mistakes. I really feel for Israeli people at the moment because they are not hearing the truth and they are only seeing it from a perspective that the media will allow them. i think any sort of negotiations are important and any kind of trades that help the peace process are priceless. To a family that has lost a son nothing is as important as receiving the remains and bringing him home so you need to look at things from a different perspective my friend. To make progress you must also make sacrifice. To make peace you must forget the past and look to the future.

    I hope to God that the Palestine and Israeli people will live in harmony soon. Nothing is impossible

    All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing !

  6. Israel has no right to exist and eventually it won't. As for being ignorant, it seems YOU are--the Jews' land was not 'won' in a war, but was actually decreed to them by Britian. Since then, the Israelis have sneakily tried to take over more Arab land through occupation and settlements, but the UN has declared all of those moves to be illegal.

    If not for the support of American, Israel would never exist, and there would be much, much more peace for the whole world.

  7. I sense another Israeli - Lebanon conflict coming on.

    Sad to say it, but I bet I am right. The mad cleric in-charge of Hezbollah has already hinted at more attacks on Israel at last nights "welcome home" party for their home grown killers.

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