
Issue effecting farming and farmers?

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Issue effecting farming and farmers?




  1. Natural calamities such as drought, floods etc

  2. Aside from weather conditions, natural disasters, population changes, etc.... the main problem is fiscal.  People farm to make money and there is just not near the profit margin in farming there was 30 to 40 years ago.  Prices are close to the same they were in the 70's and land, equipment, and labor have quadrupled.

  3. Well, I'll tell you one thing. Down here in Alabama, we ain't got rain in about six months. Since January. We had some during the Winter, but about five times. We planted some corn this year and it's not doin very well. Same w/ the beans and all that. It's just too dry. We've been waterin them w/ a water hose and stuff, but our pasture land ain't doin very good. The cows need more water. Anyways.... Population movements. There's just not enough land in Alabama to have a HUGE farm. I mean... 200 acres is as large as it gets out here. Parasites, Fuel costs, Unstable markets. There's a lot of stuff. Anyways. That's all I can think about.

  4. Mass movement of population from rural to urban area in search of better life, erratic weather /rain conditions, low profitability, excessive govt. controls on inputs and out puts of agriculture, politics and politicians.

  5. lack of capital,market,transportation,proper storage,ideal machines,land, depletion of soil nutrients cause by man and nature,low rain fall cause by deforestation,inappropriate herbicides and pesticide,discouragement from selfish politician and ignorant.

  6. Market  openings both local and international.

    Weather, diseases, soil health, Taxation, Loans and Government interference.

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