
Issues? Where are the issues?

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Politics ......... ?

The latest list of 20 questions on the politics forum had 16 questions dealing with Palin's daughter, alleged family values and other ridiculous accusations and trivial issues - absolutely and totally unrelated to the candidates' platforms, any real problems presently facing this nation or even the actual candidates themselves.

Do people really think that this type of irrelevant questioning will somehow promote more support for their candidate by highlighting alleged concerns in their opponents' families' and private lives?

Are we becoming a society that places these tidbits of alleged slander ahead of the real issues?

In your honest opinion, why is this?




  1. Just as Obama said, people's kids and families are off limits. I have no idea why people do this. I can see attacks against spouses because they give speeches and things like that but even that gets out of hand. It is no ones business what the candidates kids are doing. If Obama's little girls are doing something outrageous, who cares. If Palin's daughter is pregnant, who cares. It is their business not ours.

  2. You can thank people like Hannity and Limbaugh for that.  They haven't talked about real issues for years.  And they have a lot of followers....

  3. This is what loud-mouthed liberals do: drown out all the actual issues with nonsense and untruths. Liberals by definition argue form a position of weakness, and to compensate have to yell loudly or blurt out crazy statements.


  4. They want the attention to stay OFF of the issues because Hussein Obama bin Biden have no answers to the issues..they just say whatever is expedient at the moment to the crowd they are speaking to...So attacking the minor daughter of the VP choice is the perfect way to keep the focus OFF the issues....when your candidate is shallow and weak on issues, you have to do SOMETHING to keep issues off the board.

  5. Sadly that is modern politics.  We live by the 2 second sound bit instead of the actual issues.  Both sides do it.  I think it was the PEW research center that right after the last election asked people who they voted for and what their candidates positions were and most of one of the candidates voters got them wrong.

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