
Issues with getting my retainer to fit right. ?

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I got my braces taken off just over a year ago, i wore my retainers for the amount of time they said. But then i stopped wearing them all together, i decided recently that i should go back to wearing them and tried to get them back on my teeth.

They fit on my teeth, just not completely. They fit everywhere except my front few teeth. No pain or anything yet either which gives me hope.

My question is if i go back to wearing them more will my teeth gradually fit better into them or am i wasting time/ possibly making them worse?

I dont have the money for a new retainer so i'm counting on that i might be able to do it?

All answers appreciated!




  1. your treatment is complete, just leave it alone only if you find gaps appearing between your teeth.

  2. this did not happen to me, but i know what you mean:

    i used to have a permanent retainer and i broke it, so then i got a removable one. but i had one tooth that was slightly out of place, so they put a pressure point on the removable retainers to get it to move back into place. oh man when i first put them on they were soooo tight! and like you, they actually didnt go on all the way! they fit about half way...

    heres what you can do: the best and safest option, although the most expensive: go see your ortho again, they may tell you to wear the retainer you have full time, otherwise youll have to get one made for you again and then youll have to wear it full time.

    OR you can jsut weaar the retainer you already have full could work like my removable one did for me...just push back that tooth into place. however, since you probably arent an orthodontist yourself, it may end up ruining /messing up your other teeth by trying that without a professional youre really risking it if you wear it again.

    but then again, that is your decision

    if you do decide to stick with your old retainer, you have to wear it full time or else it 1: isnt going to work at all or 2. take a very very long time to work. for me, it took like 3 weeks or something (thast really a guesstimate cause i cant remember!) so it definetly doesnt happen overnight...

    but anyways, i wish you luck in whichever you decide!

  3. You should go back to your orthodontist to get fitted again  

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