
Issues with my Brother's driving?

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My brother got his license like 3-4 months ago and has become a very cocky, very aggressive driver. he doesn't use turn signals, he passes on the right, he tailgates like none other, and he very occasionally runs redlights and stop signs.

the worst issue though is his speeding. Today he reached an all-time high by going 90mph in a 55mph zone. usually he goes about 80-85 in that same zone. but today i looked at the speedometer and I said "jesus, you're going really fast! what's the hurry?"

and he looks at me and says "why the F**k are YOU telling ME how to drive?" and then slammed on the gas to p**s me off.

so is there any way i can politely and respectfully tell him to slow down so I can avoid premature death? its pretty scary!




  1. maybe he will learn when he gets a ticket. tell your parents maybe they can install a camera to bust him. I wouldnt want anyone like him on the road around my motorcycle.

  2. According to recent statistics, 58% of first-time drivers will be involved in a a car accident within a year of getting their license, and a significant portion of these crashes will be fatal.

    I would talk with your local police department about this and have them put the fear of GOD in him......

  3. I wouldn't be polite about it.  I would beat the $#IT out of someone that was driving like that with me in the car!  I assume your brother is still a minor (under the age of 18).  If he is, I would tell mom and dad, take his drivers license and keys away from him and tell him that when he can drive in a safe, sane manner, he can have all of his stuff back.  He is not only going to get into a crash and hurt himself, but  at those speeds, he could end up killing someone.  He sounds like he is a road rage driver and maybe some anger management courses would be helpful.  Driving is a priviledge not a right.  I don't know where he lives, but I certainly hope its not anywhere near me!

  4. I think the time for doing it politely is over if you are the younger you can go to your parents and tell them also do what i did i made my sister pull over and drop me off, i had to walk the rest of the way home but when i got there i was able to tell mom what had happened and my sisters keys got taken away.  I also found out about fuel pump shut up switch so the next time she did it a few months latter and i jumped out at slammed the door so hard the car thought it was in an accident and the fuel pump shut off and she had to call a tow truck because she had no idea what happened.  Just stop taking rides from him ride a bike take the bus.

  5. i second josie, tell your mom and dad and get those keys taken away from him asap until he learns to be more mature with his driving and responsabilities.

  6. this is the reason young peoples ins. is so high. you should find another way to get around.

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