
Issues with the real estate agent about my home ?

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I live in a 3 bedroom unit i have been here for 8 months. i have a 3 year old daughter and im a single mum, i work full time, study and volunteer. I have had 3 inspections and each time they have said my house was not up to there standard. The last inspection i took a week off work had the carpets professionally cleaned and i had the walls also done the only thing not done was my lawn. I got a letter today and it said my house was not clean enough and my carpets were not cleaned and my yard was not tidy. i am very upset by this because they are now threatening my lease not being renewed at the end of the year which will leave me and my daughter without a home. They are coming again in 2 weeks and dont know what i can do to make it acceptable for them. I am so stressed by this. Please help what should i do and if there are any home owners out there who have rented out what is your take on this???




  1. this seem a bit abusive. i think they want you out.  clean up the yard and talk to them.  read your lease and see what is states regarding inspections.  i don't know where you live but where i live you cannot evict a tenant for being untidy.  that is what security deposit is for.look up the laws in your state concerning landlord tenant laws. good luck

  2. It almost seems as if they want you to leave.  It has nothing to do with you.  The landlord's son wants to move into it.  Ask if they would pay you to leave?  If they say yes, you know they want you out.

  3. I've been a landlord for 30 years and this sounds a bit odd to me.

    3 inspections in 8 months; seems a bit high. Nit picking over how clean your carpet and walls are. The lawn I can understand. That has direct bearing on the property's value and appeal and the landlord's ability to rent adjacent units. The carpet and walls, however, are normally cleaned and painted when you move out, not every time they do an inspection.

    I'm puzzled why you need 3 bedroom when you're a single mom with a 3-year-old. Perhaps you'd be better off with a small (chealer) apartment and a different landlord.

    I hope all works out well for you and your daughter.

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