
Istanbul Food Culture?

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I would appreciate if someone could tell me the eating habits in Turkey, Istanbul, such as: time of day food is eaten and why, table settings, utensils and dishes used. I would also like to know how food is obtained (gown or Imported), and how it impacts the countries food supply. PLEASE HELP ME! this is for a very important project. i would apreciate any suggestions and answers. THANK YOU!




  1. If you come to Turkey, you should learn dining etiquette before you come if you want to eat your meal in a polite way. It is better for you to learn such things as which knife is for which meat. In daily life, you need to remember these rules.

    To have good manners in Turkey, first, you shouldn't speak while you are eating. You must keep your mouth closed while you are chewing.

    In a restaurant, be sure not to ask the price before you begin your meal because it's rude. Always order your meal before your drink. While your orders are being cooked, then the waiter will have time to bring your drinks. We still have some special notions about eating chicken. For example, while you are eating chicken, you shouldn't use your fork and knife, and you can eat it with your fingers. This doesn't disturb anybody in a restaurant.

    Although we have a lot of rules about eating, nowadays you can easily observe people, especially teenagers, eating without paying any attention to these rules. Since these kinds of people are cropping up in every restaurant, you can feel free about how you eat. Enjoy your meal!

    As Turkey has a Muslim majority, many points of etiquette in the Middle East apply here as well. As much of Turkey is in Asia, many points of etiquette in Asia also apply, such as notes regarding the respect paid to older people.

    Any comment to a person about the appearance of the latter's female relatives or wife might be seen as rude.

    If invited to dinner, one is expected to bring something (usually dessert). Avoid bringing alcohol unless sure that the host partakes.

    During toasting, eye contact is not necessary. Toasts should not be more than a slight touch, since otherwise is considered a challenge of manhood or toughness of one.

    Friends might greet each other by handshaking and touching or kissing the cheeks. This is inappropriate for business.

    Shoes are often taken off in the foyer (not outside the house unless they are especially dirty). Slippers may be offered. It is a faux pas to refuse slippers unless one’s socks are extremely clean and in good condition.

    Hosts typically insist that guests keep eating. One needn’t eat much, but should at least taste a bit of everything on the table and express appreciation for the taste and quality.

    The American okay sign should not be used, as it's regarded as the symbol for homosexuality and might offend the people around you.

    Putting your thumb between your index and middle fingers is an extremely offensive sign (more specifically, nonverbal swearing) and should be avoided at all times.

    Be punctual for a dinner party. 7:00 p.m. means 7:00 p.m.

    Business can be discussed at anytime during the meal, but you must get a feel from your business counterpart.

    Some Turks who are Muslim drink alcohol, but those Turks who are strict Muslims never do.

    Hosts will probably expect you to eat a great deal and may be offended if you don't.

    When finished eating, leave no food on your plate, and place your knife and fork side by side on your plate.

    "Dutch treat" does not exist in Turkey. If you invite someone to dine, you pay the bill.

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