
It's 11.45am.. I've been awake all night.. I've got nothing productive to do today.. should I start drinking?

by Guest66524  |  earlier

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if so, what booze? :)




  1. why not.  being awake is reason enough to drink.

    well, let's see, its still early so perhaps a nice screwdriver or bloody mary to  start the ball rolling.

    since it's probably afternoon for you, & if the weather is good, a nice margarita or rum & coke sounds good.

    save the martinis until evening.

  2. A bit early, eh?  A person after my own sentiment!

    If you have nothing better to do, why not start drinking early?  As long as it's not interfering with your daily activity.

    I recommend drinking bourbon.  It has a fairly mellow high, and in my experience, doesn't really care what time you start drinking it, so long as you're careful drinking it.  The best way to drink bourbon, especially in the middle of the day is the classic highball.  Grab a favored soft drink (preferably a cola or diet cola) and pour a shot into it.  Once you've lost your sense of taste, consider a straight shot or two.

  3. Smoke one!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. no wtf? why would you drink?

    heres an idea!

    how bout you... and i know this may be a little out there... but how bout you try doing something productive?

    may do your lazy a*s some good.

  5. h**l yes!  Drink some gin and tonic if it is warm where you are at.

  6. yes start with a hurricane,,,,then maybe some beer

  7. I would if I had nothing to do:(

  8. drink and then m********e. wow

  9. Not a very good idea...

    If you can't sleep then take a shot and lie down then think of hmmm why you were up all night

  10. Yes you should

  11. Its 3:50 here!

  12. No !  Go for a 10 mile run - feel good about yourself. ( PS I'll be drinking your booze whilst you're out Ta very much!)

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