
It's 1:56, do you know where your kids are?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes! 1 year old is at the neighbors. 3, 4, 6, and 13 year old are at school.  

  2. Yes.

    One is at school, I go pick him up in an hour.

    The other one is taking a nap.

  3. well where i am its 8:52am and yes i know where they are.

    Kristina (4) - stayed at her friends house last night and i will be picking her up at 7:30pm tonight after they are going to a carnival today.

    Monique (19mo) - sitting watching Barney and eating jam toast right in front of me.

    Nicola (19mo) - also sitting watching Barney but eating Vegemite toast instead.

    Nadine (1 week old) sleeping in the bassinet which is in her room down the hall and we have a baby monitor so i will know if she wakes up


  4. One is at school, one is doing preschool work next to me

  5. Yep - just waking up from her nap at daycare.

  6. YES I DO....i see her all day on the internet.  she has cameras in her classroom at school.  she is napping!!

  7. it's 1:11 p.m. here and my son is playing in his room and my oldest is at school.

  8. two are at shool the other one is right here with me :)

    take a look at mine and tell me what you think plz:;...

  9. Yes.

    One child is at marching band practice and the other one is in day care.

  10. Yes. One is sick in bed with a cold and the other is playing in my tummy. :-)

  11. School  : )

  12. Yup... this is their last week of summer (and mine!) before school starts, so my oldest 2 are at the neighbor's house across the cul-de-sac having a water balloon fight, my 3-year-old is just finishing up her nap, and my youngest is playing on the floor with his elmo toy right at my feet :)

  13. Yup.

    He's next door visiting his Nana.

  14. My oldest (10) is in her bedroom, reading a book.

    My middle child (8) is in the den with me, playing with Hot Wheels and similar cars, with my youngest (she is 11 months).


  15. yes! In my belly!!

  16. Yeah its nappy time!

  17. Yup, sleeping at daycare. He should be waking up momentarily and then enjoying snack. He’s having a blast right now!  

  18. My oldest is at school and the other two are napping at daycare.

  19. I just put mine down for a's 1:16 here in Indiana :)

  20. I don't have any kids! lol

  21. Yes, 4 year old is upstairs playing barbies, baby is baking in my belly.

  22. my daughter is actually on my lap right now sleeping.

    she's an angel.

  23. Yes, they are at school.  One should be at the library now, one in PE and one in, I believe, math.  

  24. If it's 1:56 p.m. then my children are in school. then if it's 1:56 a.m. then my children are in bed. I checks on them often

  25. It's 12:11 p.m., and he's probably scarfing down his lunch at school.

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