
It's 2am and I'm this a normal thought? Can people dream while they are awake?

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I was playing solitaire, not thinking of anything in particular, when suddenly, in a strange accent, I heard a womans voice (inside my head but not my voice) and she said "for the crime of...raping a donkey", I think she may have been a cop arresting someone...can a person start to dream before they fall asleep? I don't mean daydreams...those I control...this thought was random, came out of no where....and made no sense at




  1. Maybe you misplayed a Queen on top of a Jack, and your subconscious chimed in, lol.  Or maybe it related to the "stealing" of the 2004 election in Florida ...

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,


    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, could be helpful.

  2. ever hear of daydreaming

  3. I know exactly what you mean. This happens to me all the time, within minutes after I put my head down and I'm completely awake, and my thoughts come out super random and like what you said, a phrase often comes out of no where. Not as much, but sometimes it happens when I'm still up but I think its the same thing since you were really tired and its just sort of the progression of your body entering a dream like state. Reminds me of hynosis

  4. I think someone could have a teeny tiny psychotic break when they're tired. I heard a voice like that once but it was when I was up all night smelling shellac. Not smelling it on purpose, but I was just shellacking things. Anyway that was years ago and it never happened again, so it's probably just because the mind is very complicated. Don't worry about it unless it keeps happening often, then you should see a shrink!

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