
It's 95degrees here in sunny Southern California, how hot is it, and what city and state are you residing in??

by  |  earlier

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Looks like summer is here!!!




  1. It's 38 here in Downeast Maine, we've got a ways to go yet.

  2. It was in the 50s here in Roanoke, VA. It sucks because it was in the 70s yesterday. I want the warm weather back!

  3. It is 54 in Arkansas!

  4. About 18*c here, so it's a little mild.

  5. It is 4:25 am on April 14, and it is 33.6 degrees F.  it's been a cool spring so far.  And this is the correct answer for Chicago, Illinois.

  6. Finally we saw a 70 degree day.  We had snow just a couple of weeks ago in the great pacific northwest

  7. It snowed yesterday here in Chicago land.  Pretty cold spring so far.

  8. wow its 95 already there 0_0! we in hartford,ct starting to see averages of 64-72 degress :-[] its the begining of spring

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