
It's Official!!?...When did you share the news??

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Dr.'s office called this morning and I am officially pregnant with #1!!! I am so excited. I am about 6 weeks along!!! I am bursting at the seams to tell everyone....when did you spill the beans to your friends & family?




  1. i waited until i was thru my first trimester to tell anybody except for my husband. i have had a previous miscarriage and am not the type of person to "share" in my personal griefs and sadnesses. that's just my personality type. but many people tell immediately so it really is up to you.

  2. Congrat!!  I am 7 weeks and I have only told my parents (and of course my husband)  We are waiting until at least 12 weeks or longer to begin to tell others.  I might wait until 20 weeks if possible.  But that is just me.  My sister always told everyone right away.

  3. I didn't share the news with anyone until after I got through my 1st Trimester just in case something didn't go well. Congrats!!!!!

  4. I waited until I was 12 weeks to tell all family and coworkers, except for my mother, who I told at 5 weeks. Tell them when you are comfortable doing so. If you want to share the news now, do it!

    Congratulations! Babies are amazing.

  5. --I found out when I was 6 weeks pregnant, and I told my parents and sister when I was 8 weeks (he told his parents and brothers too). Everyone else found out after the first trimester.

    --Congrats and best wishes!!

  6. With our first it wasn't long after we found out that we told everyone. However, I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks and ended up losing him after 26 days. So this time we haven't told anyone but mine and his parents, and I'm not sure when we are going to tell anyone else. We might not, until we have to. I still have people that knew I was pregnant, but didn't know the outcome that ask about the baby and it brings up a lot of bad feelings that I don't want to have to suffer through over and over. We're waiting to make sure that everything is going to be okay during this one before we shout out the news.  

  7. I told everyone right away..I couldn't help it, I had to!  

  8. congrats!! i burned the phone lines up when i found out . good luck and best wishes:)

  9. hmmm i started calling everyone 2 seconds later. ^_^;

  10. the day I found out... both times.

    the reason people wait is to make sure they don't lose the pregnancy, but i figured if I had a m/c I'd tell everyone anyway, so why not tell them I was pregnant :)

  11. I told everyone right away (my mom found out at 6 AM the morning I took an HPT)....expect for aunts and uncles, I was waiting to tell them in person at Thanksgiving last year, had the opportunity to do it a few weeks earlier when my Aunt from North Carolina was up, but got the stomach flu that weekend... I just called and told everyone then. They were the last to know, and it was 2 months after conception.

    Congrats BTW, a healthy pregnancy to you!

  12. My husband and I agreed that we weren't going to tell until I was 3 months along, but due to very irregular periods and some issues with failing HPT's I didn't find out until I was 12 1/2 weeks! We kept the news to ourselves for about 3 days, just so it was "our secret" but it was just too tough!

  13. I told people when I was 6 weeks. I couldn't keep it to my self! I didn't buy anything for it until I had my scan at 12 weeks :)

    Congratulations and good luck! :):):)

  14. congrats to you

  15. Congratulations!  I'm about 11 weeks right now and my husband and I told our families first around 8 1/2 weeks or so.  We then told our friends and co-workers after that.  

  16. Congratulations!!  I took my test in the morning and had to wait ALL day until my husband got home from work to tell him.  Longest day of my life lol!  But after a couple hours of keeping it to ourselves, we told our parents and friends and pretty soon everyone knew.  We couldn't hold the excitement in.  Hope all goes well for you!

  17. Congrats!!!! I'm almost 25 weeks. I found out at 5 weeks and waited about a week to tell people.  We wanted to take it all in first!

  18. like a week after i found out congrats to you and i wish you the best of luck

  19. i waited a day or two to share the news! i found myself telling people i hardly knew like the cashier at meijers!

  20. The first time I got pregnant I told everyone right away at 4 weeks, and I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. I'm now 12 weeks pregnant known since 5 weeks and still haven't told many people. It was so hard telling all those people when it went wrong the first time. But it's incredibly hard to hold in when your so happy about it, so do what you think is best. CONGRATS!

  21. I just found out today and the only person I have told is my sister.

    My hubby doesn't come home from work for a few more hours.

    I will tell my parents probably this weekend.

    Congrats to you!!

  22. you can tell your immediate family whenever you want, but id advise you to tell them to keep it between you for a few reasons. 1 being YOU want to share the exciting news not them. and 2, unfortunately your still at risk for a miscarriage. i had a friend who got so excited and went around telling everyone and had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. people who had heard the news but hadnt seen her were like oh congratulations, whens the shower i cant wait. blah blah blah. and my friend had to explain what happened and its an awkard situation for both parties. so id wait until your atleast 12 weeks to start telling everyone. but congrats :)

  23. I told everyone, the day i found out. Congrats to you.

  24. I'm Not Trying To Scare You. But Although 1st Pregnancies Are Very Exciting, They Do Have A Tenancy Of Ending Up As Miscarriages. :( I Have Had 6 Miscarriages Myself. 2 Live Births. My First Pregnancy Was A Miscarriage. My Opinion Is To Wait Untill You Are Out Of Your First Trimester. About 3 Or 4 Months Along To Tell Family And Friends, But Since This Is Your First Pregnancy, It'll Be Very Hard To Keep It Under Wraps. Good Luck. And Congrats!

  25. Congratulations,

    my new Puerto Riquena friend. I'm Glad that you are bringing a new baby in this world

    My niece just had her third boy on Monday.

    So check this out,

    my ex husband is in the U.S Army & he came from Iraq back in 1999 & he was away for almost 2 yrs. So I got pregnant when he came back on a two-week leave. We all were so happy.

    It was about 4 months when I found out I was pregnant & by that time he went back to the service.

    so I stood quiet about it because my oldest was 9 at the time & she had begged us to give her a baby sister.

    When I told them

    Any who, I gave Birth via web & daddy did not miss a thing when his second Princess was born.

    It was exciting, expensive, exhausting but we managed.

    True story. Haaa I’m glad those days are gone.

    Seven ½ yrs. Ago,


  26. I told a lot of people who were close to me right away! But it could be a good idea to wait until the end of your first trimester (12 weeks) to tell everyone (co workers, etc) because your risk of miscarriage drops greatly after that. CONGRATULATIONS!

  27. CONGRATS!  We waited a few days, because we just wanted it to be our news for a while!

  28. I told everyone as soon as i found out, but i know your not "suppose" too but i was so excited to keep it in. congrats!!

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