
It's We the people not Me the people.What are you willing to do?

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I hear and see alot of whining because the government doesn't do what " I" want.So I ask, what are you willing to do to help? Would you serve your country,militarily or in some other civic capacity? Run for office or are you just content with sitting back and helping to deteriorate it from within? It was once said "Ask not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country!" It is sad that the freedoms that so many have died for are used to rot this great nation from within.




  1. I did serve in the Army as a volunteer.  I volunteered to go back on active duty after 9/11.  I was not called back.

    My other contribution:  I stay out of jail.  In that way my fellow citizens don't have to pay for my keep.

  2. I pay taxes.  I've served in multiple combat zones with the US military over several years.  I own up to my responsibilities.  I assist those that are trying to better themselves.  I attempt to leave everything in better shape than when I arrived.  I attempt to educate those that want to gain knowledge of our wars, troops and the threat we face without providing information the enemy could use against us.  

    See my War on Terror blog:

    No Politics.  Just the groundtruth backed up by independent study, historical and religious study and the personal experiences of myself and others that have BEEN THERE.

  3. I spent 26 years in the military and served in two wars.  I am now retired and figure that I have 'done my part.'

    If I am needed I will step forward - but all I want to do now is just live my life and raise my family.

  4. To make a difference, you have to be willing to make a sacrifice! In order for change to occur, it has to start with you{yourself}, I believe that instead of complaining, you have to stand up for your rights and begin by voting, you can't {and have NO right} to complain about the state of this nation, or your own community unless you exercise that right, and that is the very least that you can do. You have to get involved at a community level and do something constructive and positive to make change happen. My job ensures the protection and safety of the traveling public, I also hold a public office in my own community. I teach my son to be moral and upstanding, and my husband and I try to always strive for honesty and integrity in all of our decisions and actions. Good begins with you, pay it forward!

  5. I served 4 years Active Duty in the US Army, and 2 years Active Reserve.  While I never went into combat, my fellow soldiers and I worked a real-time mission that helped win the Cold War (if anyone can truly be said to have "won").

    I continue my service by working in an elections office, making sure that voters in my jurisdiction have their votes counted accurately and correctly--especially those who are overseas serving our country in the military and through religious missions.

    I volunteer in my spare time as a Little League coach, and in other charitable organizations whose causes I support.

    And most importantly, I VOTE!

  6. I served in the military and ended up in special forces.  I've run for office before and I may do so again.  I now run a citizens advocacy organization that works on behalf of the general public instead of the special interests.  

    We're working to reduce taxes and eliminate public debt.  There is a way to pay for government services while eliminating debt and reducing taxation at all levels of government.  America was founded upon a tax revolt and that is essentially what this is.

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