
It's a beautiful day outside! But...

by  |  earlier

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Okay, it's so nice outside today. I'd love to go outside and play catch or go swimming or something, except that all (yes, all. I don't have very many friends) of my friends are either out of town, or busy with their families. My sister is with a friend, and my mom is at work and my dad is at a job interview. I have no dog to play with, and no lake nearby. I could go to the outdoor pool, but I have no one to go with. Honestly, there's nobody. And I can't drive, as I am 14. I don't want to waste the nice weather sitting inside all day. What should I do? Sorry if I sound like I am complaining, because let's be honest, that's what this sounds like. I am just bored and would appreciate it if you could lay down some ideas for me. Thanks so much! :D




  1. Take advantage of the nice weather - go to a nearby park, or even your backyard, and read a magazine and get some sun. You could go to the pool by yourself (if that's allowed) and maybe you'll meet some other teens there - or see people you already know.  

  2. The same exact thing has happened to me today! My parents are in Sarasota and aren't coming back until tommorow and my phones broken, so I've got absolutely nothing to do or anyone to talk to. The weather is gorgeous here too, so I'm going to go swimming in a few. If you've got a backyard pool, I'd suggest the same! If it's a public pool, I understand why you don't want to go alone. Maybe ride your bike around the neighborhood for a while? You could just keep answering Y!A questions also. Maybe clean? Haha, that's what I do when I get REALLY bored. Or you could go through your clothes and see what doesn't fit anymore. You could maybe bake some lemonade, set up a garden chair, and read a book outside? Play with a pet if you have one? Or maybe cook something you've never tried! Go jogging! Make a youtube video about how bored you are! Make a collage with printed pictures or normal ones! Read a magazine! Make up a dance to your favorite song! Spin around in a twisty (?) chair until you fall over! Good luck with finding something to do!

  3. if u want to go outside, then go outside! you could go on a bike ride or something. how do you expect to meet people if you dont go out? why not go to a sports club? then youll be outside AND meeting new people! good luck!

  4. I know how you feel sometimes. If you have to do summer reading for school, grab a book and go to your backyard/porch and read. You can also sun tan, too. I don't really know what else, sorry.  

  5. I agree...go for a walk or lay out in your back yard and get some sun and read a book!!!  You could always open your bedroom window and air out your room and do a little cleaning or watch some tv!

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