
It's a lie! They say that there were once two human races---?

by Guest63866  |  earlier

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...Neanderthal and Cro magnon! And they said only the cro magnon has carried on while neanderthals died off!

That's a lie by the cro magnons! The neanderthals didn't die! They found religion!

They're the missing link!




  1. They were more then 2 human races/species. HOwever the became to be outcompeted by more evolved human species that evolved from them and and soon the modern homosapian sapian race perceived.

    They were neandertals,, homo-floreinsis, homoerectus, homo hablis, original homosapian arciach( Homo heidelbergensis), homo ergaster, Homo antecessor , Homo georgicus.  Also no body knows if homosapians were actually smarter then neandertals. The reason or there extinction was because they were physically built for cold weather. They were stoocky and very short averaging like 5 feet 6 tall. And were very built. But thisis bad when the ice age ended and the homosapians moved up to europe. They didn't know how to adapt to warm weather just as homosapians didn't know how to adapt to cold weather when they were starving and dehydrating in north africa from a drought. Which forced only the smartest and creative of homosapians to only be able to survive. In fact they almost became extinct before neandertals. But the ending of the ice age saved them  and they wer eonly a few thousand left of them. In fact the  CC of neandertals us higher then homosapians and is higher then modern human homosapian sapian. Also surviving in the cold weather is much harder then hot weather and demands you to be smarter to adapt

    Amazing that there cranial capacity was higher then ours  even today when they died out several thousand years ago. Who knows how smart they would have been today. There CC today would probably be like 1500-2400

  2. You are a Neanderthal guy

    I'm a Neanderthal girl

    We can make Neanderthal love

    In this Neanderthal world.

  3. Maybe religion killed them!

  4. i think youre watching to much of nationel geographic

  5. Having said that,you belong to which group?Hope you are not an opinion maker.

  6. If you knew anything about "evolution", you would know that the difference between modern humans, and Cro-Magnon is...nothing.

  7. Black white and Green I give a wave to everybody.

  8. When there was Neanderthal walking in Europe, there were Homo erectus and Homo floresiensis walking around in Indonesia.  There were Homo sapiens throughout much of the world including Asia and Africa.  So your original premise is flawed

  9. ...What? That didn't even make any sense.

    Actually, there were two human species -- Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens

    The Neandertals were the first generation of humans which migrated out of Africa and directly to the European region, where they adapted to the cold climate, with short, stocky bodies meant to conserve heat and weapons developed specifically for short range hunting (spears).

    The Cro-Magnons were part of the second wave of humans who migrated out of Africa many thousands of years later, and thus were physically adapted to a warm climate, with long limbs, broad features, and a more complex brain, and developed tools and weapons for long range hunting (primitive javelins, possibly bows & arrows).

    The Cro-Magnon race and their decendants travelled throughout Asia for thousands of years; they thus had been exposed to many different climates and ways of life than the unchanging Neandertals. By the time they finally arrived in Europe, the Ice Age was in remission. The Neanderthals, who were ONLY adapted to the cold, could not survive in a warmer world with their limited mobility and less developed intellect, especially when the cold-adapted animals they typically hunted began to disappear. Adults and children began to starve, and could not live long enough to procreate, and thus, the entire species died out. But the Cro-Magnons, with their greater versatility, continued to thrive.

  10. Please calm down :)

    The Neanderthals began to be displaced around 45,000 years ago by modern humans (Homo sapiens), as the Cro-Magnon people appeared in Europe. Despite this, populations of Neanderthals held on for thousands of years in regional pockets such as modern-day Croatia and the Iberian and Crimean peninsulas.

    There is considerable debate about whether Cro-Magnon people accelerated the demise of the Neanderthals. Timing suggests a causal relation between the appearance of Homo sapiens in Europe and the decline of Homo neanderthalensis. Both the Neanderthals' place in the human family tree and their relation to modern Europeans have been hotly debated ever since their discovery. They have been classified as a separate species (Homo neanderthalensis) and as a subspecies of Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) at different times. The consensus has been, based on ongoing DNA research, that they were a separate branch of the genus Homo, and that modern humans are not descended from them (fitting with the single-origin hypothesis).

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