
It's about a birthday party((:?

by  |  earlier

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My 13 birthday is in a few weeks.

I'm a boy.

But i do have a lot of friends that are girls.

But there will be boys also.

My parents are not strict at all.

So we can do anything.

I was thinking about.

Maybe like a scavenger hunt.

I don't live near anything exciting.

And im a bit, errmm, chunky.


Another thing i need to know.

Is what to ask for from family and friends.

family - camera / xbox 360.

but what kind.

and what should i ask for from friends.

and i want to go somewhere where i can invite A LOT of people.






  1. u should defiantly play spin the bottle girls love playing spin the bottle and u and i like the scavenger hunt idea u should hide stuff like stuff u boys like and then stuff like thank u gifts and most girls like wat boys like and u could also hide chocolate just be yourself and do thing u like to do and i guaranty everyone will have fun i would ask for a kodiak camera my mom has that 1 and it rocks and from friends i would ask for the stuff u think is age appropriate ha ha kidding ask for stuff u like and be real like maybe scary movies pg13 movies hope i helped i would do my party at my house again  hope i helped

  2. It's best not to ask for anything from friends. Just invite them to have a good time with you. Scavenger hunts are great.Another thing that sounds lame but is actually mad fun is rock and bowl- bowling at night with lazers music blacklights, etc.

  3. for me i invite 2 of my bfs and go to the mall. well in your case you should got to the theme park

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