
It's all about the money for Farve?

by  |  earlier

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I said it from the beginning, it's all about the money for Favre. How can any body leave that kind of money on the table, it's $39 million over 3 years to be exact. Hey i probably won't retire either, i got to collect those $39 million. But, what i don't understand is, why he retire, he still can play at a high level for another 2 years. Now Brett Favre make him self looked bad, if he take the money. So in my opinion, Brett come back because of the money, it's too good to pass up, he don't have a chance to make these kind of money again in his life. So, Brett came back becauuse of the money, other wise he would decline the current situation about the money and just get back to playing if he really miss playing football that much. Please your take on the Brett situation, is it the money or football? I say it's the money and not football. What do you think?




  1. I think it is more his massive EGO than money. He wouldn't get overwhelmed with praise if he was not playing.

  2. What are you getting at? last I heard the Packers offered Favre 20 mil to stay retired. They had until today to come up with some type of resolution. If they didn't the commish was going to step in.  

  3. yea!! I think it is due to the fact that he is even considering the fact of taking the 20 million dollar offer!! He may have had love for the game but that died in him the day he retired-

  4. Its not about the money like you tink. Brett Favre loves the game. He shouldn't have retired in the first place. You have to understand how his body works. Its that time of year and his body is telling him its time to play. His mind and heart is telling him its time to play. the guy has a few good years left and if I were the packers I'd welcome him with open arms. The chance for another super Bowl is right there. The packers have the team to do it with Brett as the QB. Aaron roddgers is still to young and has a lot to learn. even if rodgers got hurt there is nothing but rookies to back him up. Bottom line is this: Let Brett play, if not for the packers the send him to the vikings or bears.

  5. if it was about the money, he wouldn't care if he was the backup to rodgers and he'd comeback to the packers as the backup not caring.  but guess what, he wants to be the starter so i guess it isn't about the money, is it?

  6. he will not take the money he will be traded to tampabay garcia just broke is ankle

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