
It's almost raise time. Shld I make a "list" of my duties 4 my boss? Read on?

by  |  earlier

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At my job, we only get 1 raise a year. I don't make much money, deserve more, but love my job. Over the past year, my duties have increased SO MUCH. I'm afraid the boss & my manager don't really realize how much. I was thinking of making a list of all of my duties & giving them a copy, to review before determining my raise amount. My last raise was only .40 cents & that was a year ago. I made $2 more an hr working @ call centers. I'm a shy person & can't bring myself to verbally "ask" for a better raise. My boss is a nice guy, but a bit intimidating. I've been told if you tell him you can make more working @ McDonalds, he'll tell you to go work there. He's never been rude to me, but he can be. I can't stand that. So is it a good idea, bad idea or does it depend? Could making a "duties list" work?




  1. If you do decide to make up a duties list it needs to show what additional tasks you have taken on over the past year. The most impressive thing would be to have a list of your accomplishments plus any new skills that you have learned in the past year. You wont win points by pointing out that you can make more money somewhere else. What you need to do is tell them how much you enjoy your job and that you hope to be able to progress within the company. If you have great attributes dont feel shy about "tooting your own horn" about your ability to work as part of a team, take additional responsibilities or even that you have a great attendance record. You can ask to talk to your boss before he starts to compile the reviews and simply say that you know that he is very busy and were hoping that this information would make it easier for him to review your past years work. Most bosses have a pool of raise money that they need to distribute among their employees. Those who are the most vocal (in a professional way) are usually those who get the biggest share. Good luck.

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