
It's amazing that so many people are quick to dump on?

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Hillary for shedding a few tears (from fatigue) but those same folks have little or nothing to say about the idiocy and inneptness of GEORGE BUSH!!!




  1. I hate Bush, and I can't wait for Hillary to take office =)

  2. they are probably the same ones who have been complaining about bush for 7 years. People say this country is ready for a woman president and all they do is dump on her. I admire her for staying with her husband and honoring her vows of for better or worse. makes me wonder about men and women who jump in and out of marriage like they are getting in and out of bed.

  3. I think people have been longing to forget about the Iraq administration, so now these caucuses and primaries give them a diversion. It is a taste of a new administration, something that will be, hopefully, better than the previous. And, in the midst of this diversion, it is the next potential President who holds the focus- in other words, someone else gets to be made fun of!

  4. How does your comparison make ANY sense what-so-ever?

    Try again.

  5. That's a non-sequitor.

    What does Bush have to do with Hillary's lack of strength of character and fortitude?

  6. Apparently you're not reading the questions and answers in here. Bush has been blamed for everything from global warming to bombing the WTC.

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