
It's been 7 months. Can I tell her I love her yet?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my girlfriend and I have been going out for 7 months and I am wandering if I should tell her I love her yet.

her personality is she can get really uncomfortable in some situations.

Like she makes things uncomfortable for her. but she cant help it.

and i'm wandering if I should tell her I love her yet?





  1. Yeah! You should've told her two months ago! You should definitely tell her you love her. She probably loves you too, so it shouldn't be a problem.

  2. only a thought but you might want to know if there is something there long term for you before you get so old you don't care.

    if she can't take being told someone loves her I would have to wonder why.  if you are ready to take on a longterm relationship its better sooner rather than later, I would think, to find out where you stand.  suggestion would be to ask her.  you of course are the final judge. good luck.

  3. Only if you do love her.  Time should not decide when you tell her something, especially not feelings; they just occur.

  4. Start with subtle signs like write her a card and sign it with love, then wait until the perfect time.

  5. well my opinion is dont tell her you love her just to tell her. if you really do love her then wait until the right time you will know.  

  6. you should only tell a girl that you love her once you mean it.

    You should never say it if you arent ready and dont mean it.

    i hope i helped


  7. all i can tell you is this we cant tell you what to say its all up 2 you if u feel that you love her go for it if you don't wait a while and see what happens =)

  8. u should tell her but only if u mean it ...

  9. If you do truly love her, then tell her. But if you just think you should tell her because it's been 7 months, you need to wait.

    Everybody comes to this feeling at different times so only you know if you love her. If you love her and want to tell her, just tell her but let her know that she doesn't have to say it back until she's ready (you don't want to put pressure on her) so don't be hurt if she doesn't reply with a big "i love you too!" right away. You just have to give her the time she needs to come to it.

    Best of luck :)

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