
It's been 8 days since i last smoked weed, i had 2 take a test today am i screwed

by  |  earlier

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that was the first time in years that i've smoked




  1. You might well be. Then again, you might be lucky.

    It can take anything from a few days to a month for THC to get out of your system.

  2. Yeah, pretty much. Dont smoke weed. it seems fun now but it will get you in the long run.

  3. *druggy*

  4. THC is fat soluble and takes roughly 28 days to leave your system. More with heavy smoking. Drug tests have become more effective over the years, and can detect even the most minute quantities of substances in your system.

    I lost a job due to a failed drug test once. The doctor told me that if I smoked ONE joint the day before the test, I would have had about 600-800 nanograms of THC present. I had 32 nanograms present, which he indicated could be the result of being in a car with someone smoking a joint and having the windows closed. That's how sensitive the tests are.

    Bottom line is, you will test positive. If you are in a situation that requires drug testing, best to avoid the drugs, no?

  5. yeah i think so  

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