
It's been a month since I smoked weed, and depression has kicked in, now I'm craving it more then ever, help??

by  |  earlier

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I self-medicated for like five years with marijuana. I left my friends and my dad to live with my mom across the country 1) to see her and 2) to clean up my act. I've been clean off everything for this entire month, and it hasn't been easy. I leave back for home in two days, and I can't stop thinking about lighting up, it seems so good right now. I feel depressed, dull-minded, and anti-social. I know that staying off pot is vital to getting a job, passing my driving exam, and enrolling / succeeding in school. When I see my friends again, they're gonna be smoking and I have no idea what I'm gonna tell them. I don't know if I want to smoke with them or if I should resist, and if they'll even understand. I just feel so irritated with people all day, I need some kind of outlet. What should I do?




  1. That is strange.  People don't usually get addicted to marijuana.  Were you taking something else with it?

  2. Most pot smokers don't care if you say "no thanks" when the joint is passed.  So just say "no thanks"  if they ask you why just be honest. If they are your friends they will respect your fact if they are your real friends they will help you and not allow you to smoke.

    It sounds like you might need to talk to someone about the depression,it's obviously not marijuana related, that's just a side thing.  You don't have to live with depression, you can get help.  Talk to someone.

  3. Drink

  4. ive had this same thing happen to me.

    what you need to do is realize you can have a great life without marijuana.

    one thing i suggest is to not even talk to your old friends and make some new ones.

    and also going up to the gym and lifting weights can make you feel really good about yourelf and keep your mind off of the drug.

    just wait till your older and have a good job before you start smoking again.

    and remember, you control the bud, dont let the bud control you.

    email me if you wanna talk more

  5. The hardest path is to try to go this alone.

    Some family counseling (or substance abuse counseling) can help you at this most critical time. The symptoms you're experiencing are evidence that a fog has lifted, and you're in a great space to explore issues or areas of concern in your life. Then you can choose what to do to make progress toward goals. Success is closer than ever, and even the smallest of steps in the right direction will make you feel proud.

    Wishing the best for you.

  6. try to take up something, keep yourself occupied.

    & whenever you feel like smoking, think of what you're risking or how bad things could end up. & i know they're your friends and all but distance yourself from that & if not then tell them that you're not into that :)

  7. what you have to do is find something that takes your mind off it .it is essential to have an outlet and if you are already depressed you need to find out why and the reason for it all it is known as the sling shot effect if you have unresolved issues then you must resolve them to become happy or at least not in the need for dope

  8. well congratulations on quiting and your friends should understand i mean they are your friends just tell them you don't want to smoke and you'd really appreciate it if they didn't give you a hard time about it. and it's normal to feel this way but you could always go to a doctor and explain your situation i'm sure they would know what to do.

    hope this helps

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