
It's been a month since I smoked weed, and depression has kicked in, now I'm craving it more then ever,help???

by  |  earlier

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I self-medicated for like five years with marijuana. I left my friends and my dad to live with my mom across the country 1) to see her and 2) to clean up my act. I've been clean off everything for this entire month, and it hasn't been easy. I leave back for home in two days, and I can't stop thinking about lighting up, it seems so good right now. I feel depressed, dull-minded, and anti-social. I know that staying off pot is vital to getting a job, passing my driving exam, and enrolling / succeeding in school. When I see my friends again, they're gonna be smoking and I have no idea what I'm gonna tell them. I don't know if I want to smoke with them or if I should resist, and if they'll even understand. I just feel so irritated with people all day, I need some kind of outlet. What should I do?




  1. First of all, I'd like to tell you that I'm proud of you for sticking to cleaning up your act for a full month now! If you can accomplish a month you can accomplish anything! Try and get some new hobbies. Find something crafty or sporty to take your mind off of things. Keep your hands busy by being active or doing things. If you just sit and think.... you might end up talking yourself into more weed. It won't be easy, but make your friends support you and if you ever feel like things are getting hard.... tell them to talk you out of it. Good Luck! Keep it up!  

  2. Congrats on going a month! That's awesome.

    I'm a pretty big stoner so I'm not sure if my answer will help too much. If I didn't know your story and just thought you were a herb-deprived chick, I'd be more than willing to smoke you out. However, you've already gone a month. It sounds like you're pretty determined to ultimately clean up for good and you're definitely on the right track. If you fall back into drugs now, that's just a month of sobriety shot to h**l. Try to keep it up when you go back home. If you explain your reasons for stopping, I'm sure your friends will respect them and try to help you out. If not, it might be time for some new friends.

    Good luck! Take care.

  3. I wouldn't do it.  It took you that long to get off of it.

    Why start again?

    I used to smoke and I *might* do it like once every couple of months...but when I get high now it makes my anxiety WORSE and it makes me feel totally weird now.

    I used to smoke everyday for about a year.

    Maybe a job would make you feel better?  Or some sort of hobby.

    Or you could try to smoke again and see how you react and feel to it.  It might be different now.  It seems like you do it to feel a void. If that is the case.....I wouldn't start again it'll just make it that much harder to stop.

    Good Luck...and hope you have a better day tomorrow.

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