
It's been ages since I've read HP and the HBP, but...?

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As I recall, Snape can fly without a broom? Whoa! How can he do THAT?




  1. I dont recon so....I dont recall Snape flying with or without a broom in bood 6

  2. He leaarned this, among other Dark Magic, from Voldemort. It's never told HOW he does it in hte books as most other wizards avoid learning Voldemort's talents.

  3. snape can fly?! wtf!? i dont remember that...are you sure he wasnt just gliding like voldemort was in the sorcerers stone?

  4. Voldemort can do it and he taught Snape.

  5. he cant fly without a broom! who said that! ok i thnk i mite no wat ur talking bout, wen snape jumps out of the tower in the last book, he has a wand and he just made is landing like softer or sumthin,slowed it down. i dont think anyone can technically fly without a broom unless u levitate urself

  6. U are right.

    Mcgonnagal says that it is a trick that he must've learnt off Voldemort.


  7. it's strange that you think him flying without a broom is AMAZING but what about flying with one, is that just normal? hmmm

  8. No, it wasn't snape that could fly without a broom, it was voldemort, in the last book, chapter 4, near the end. He could do it cause he cast a powerful spell on himself, i think.

  9. Yea, its in the 7th one. Most likely, he learned that from Lord Voldemort. Its a type of dark magic I suppose. But theyre wizards who use magic, anythin is possible.

  10. I don't think Snape flies does he??

    I know that Voldemort does in the last book... Is that what you're thinking of?

  11. when does Snape fly?

  12. Yeah Snape does fly but that's not until DH when he's fleeing Hogwarts after McGonagall attacks him. You're right don't worry

    Voldemort can also fly though, as shown in the beginning of DH when they're escaping from Privet Drive.

    After Snape flies away McGonagall says

    "He seems to have learned a few tricks from his master."

    It's on page 480 of the UK edition. The Chapter 'The Sacking of Severus Snape'

    After killing Dumbledore, Snape was very trusted by Voldemort, so Voldemort probably taught him how to do it

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