
It's been less than twenty four hours?

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It's been less than twenty four hours and the messiah Sarah Palin is already starting to fall apart. What other little tidbits of info (other than what the McCain campaign wants you to know) are going to come to light? Is this rural politician in way over her head?




  1. She's under investigation for getting rid of  Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan on July 11, 2008. Since he served as to the pleasure of the Gov. his lawsuit was dropped. The controversy started because Sarah's sister was married to a state trooper who threatened to KILL their father and then TASERED Sarah's sister's 11 year old son. He was given 10 days suspension which was then reduced to 5 days because of Walter Monegan decision. He was let go because of not filling trooper vacancies and not being a team player. Wow, big controversy here genius. Is this the best you got?

  2. Dude your fantasy of rim jobing Rush Limbaugh is very disturbing.  Get professional help.

    BTW: enjoy;...

  3. The way I see it, the only reason she's McCain's VP is because her infant child is McCain's lovechild with her.  

  4. She is *not* under investigation by anyone other than the media.

    THe issue you are referring to is the one about her ex-brother-in-law.  There was an accusation that when she was MAyor that she had him fired because he divorced her sister.  I believe there was evidence of other reasons for his firing.

    Another interesting thing about this issue, the brother-in-law didn't care until several years later when she was Governor.  He tried to blackmail her and when she didn;t pay he filed suit.  

  5. Hate to tell you but there is no one out here that can throw the first stone nor has there been. I could probably do a background check on everyone out here and the results would drop you, so dont judge, thats Gods job

  6. What negative tidbits have come out so far? I take it you're riding along with her, analyzing her behavior and body language? And that's how you know she is falling apart?

  7. give the woman a chance

  8. it's not that she's falling apart, the leftist media is trying to make her fall apart, but that will not stick. their pro obama support will fall apart soon enough when people realize obama is nothing but an empty suit.

  9. She is way over her head, she will do what she is told it's clear if something happens to McCain she wouldn't have a clue what to do. But Palin is under two ethics investigations springing from accusations that she abused her office to pursue a personal grudge. They have lost so much ground to Obama McCain is crying for the votes that people are saying they won't for a black man. She is there for one reason to get the women votes. I bet it totally backfires but with the way people think who knows.

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